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A member registered Apr 09, 2017 · View creator page →

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Gosh yeah, that little bit of jank in the character controller ate like... half our jam time.
its soooo much better than it was at the beginning

Yeah, we used FamiStudio when making the music.
Im not much of a musician, but never a bad time to start  learning : )

That inro song is a bop.

Yeah, I seem to either make things way to hard or way to easy.

I need to improve on finding that middle ground.

Oh that would have been a good way to go.

Originally, I wanted like combinations of types, but having more than 3 options didnt feel fair.

But having the rounds behave differently could have been cool.  Even if the difference was just move/turn speed.

Even though it wont be applicable in the jam, I think Ill try that out and see how it works.  Would open enemy colors up to mean something else too.

Yo  thanks for the feedback.

Glad you enjoyed it!

Lol, teah I know what you mean.

Not really a challenging game here.  Wasnt sure how to add skill without makimg things unfair.

(1 edit)

Yeah, I really should have made them more interesting and straightforward to find.

That would make sense.

And yeah  didnt really sync up the animations too well.

Yeah, I wasnt too sure on the duration of the shield.
In future iterations, it could alleviate the problem if I increased the recharge rate of the shield. 

Im not too sure about increasing the duration of the shield too much, since it can reduce the focus on dodging attacks.  I meant it to fill the slot of a "dodge roll" rather than an impenetrable defense, if that makes any sense.

Cheddar cheese is my favorite.

But this is a good cheese too, it wasnt intentional, but I do like it as a way for the player to become comfortable with the controls and concepts.

Well that definatly was not intentional, but I love me some good spray cheese just like everyone else.

LOL, glad you appreciated his inclusion.