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A member registered Feb 25, 2018 · View creator page →

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I'm glad you liked it! Battle backgrounds and the whole end are things that suffered from the jam deadline that I want to (and hopefully will) fix when I have more time, along with adding unique music for a couple places where I had to reuse tracks.

Wow, thank you so much! I'm glad you like it!

Thank you!! That Green Zone bug got a lot of people unfortunately, but I just patched it yesterday along with some other fixes (Green's hit rates up, encounter rates down because there sure were a LOT huh, and I rewrote the dialogue for the ending because it was a mess I wrote 30 minutes before the deadline.)

(1 edit)

hi im just one person. i have heard this is important for the ratings and i should put it in a comment

very good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

special hot tip kill the slimes quickly when you get to that boss (you'll know) or the next attack will FUCK YOU UP thank me later nerds

I love this little world

this is really fun!!

I really like this but I feel like the message would be much more potent if the description didn't say there are no monsters

this is stupid in a beautiful way


wow this is most fun game I've seen from the jam so far!! it feels so good with a controller

some of this is really great, even if other parts are incomprehensible. still really fun!

extremely good birbs!!!!!!!!

Wow this is a fun idea!