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A member registered May 05, 2021 · View creator page →

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Nice fun game ! 
great details and levels ! 
Nailed those controllers.

Wow ! Very nice game and its fits well to the theme ! 

Wow ! Very nice game and its fits well to the theme ! 

Its an overall great game, looks very good and the sound is perfectly fits.
The only two things are that you can just skip the fighting and go to the boss and in the boss I accidently went after the trees so IDK if its a glitch or not.
In all other aspects great game !  

Nice to see you are doing your best, keep it up ! 

art is really nice ! 

I would scale down the game window so I could see the whole window, also instructions at the begining are nice to add.

In general nice game ! 

Nice Game ! 
I made something like that in a little different approach, You are welcomed to try !

Nice game, could match more to the theme if it was more chaotic. 

Awsome game ! I would have added exceleration sound

Yes you are right, there is no sound, but maybe I will add in the future.
Thanks for trying the game ! 

Nice game !