No, absolutely not
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The Patch'd Up version of the rules only includes changes from the core book. Any styles printed as just their name had no changes, other than gaining the new tags or in a few cases, having their Range adjusted.
So Flashy and Blaster still have all the same Abilities they do in the core book, but the only part of them that changed is their Actions.
Speed tokens during opponents' turns can only be spent at the start of the turn, the end of the turn, or in response to being put over an Edge space. You don't get a chance to spend it during the action phase.
For reactive actions, like the ones granted by Chaos tokens or the Reversal Form, you get the opportunity to use those after the active player has performed an action, and only one reaction per action.
The step by step turn order can be found on page 28 of the PATCH'd UP update pdf.
There is now a fan-run Panic at the Dojo discord server, for anyone interested:
If you replace your current shield with a new one while in Zen Form, the replaced shield goes in reserve. Zen Form never discards shields except by breaking them (or using them to pay for an action) or by changing off of Zen Form.
Teachers can inspire any ally, so yes, if they still have the tokens when their turn comes back around, they can use it on themselves.
In the current rules, yes, placing any other obstacle will override a copy or fog in that space. In the upcoming errata, Copies are treated much more like players, and can be on top of Rubble or Fog without issue. I didn't have a note for Fog, but no reason I can't add one - Fog should be allowed on top of Copies, Traps, or Rubble without issue.
Vigilance's Actions are getting a cost increase. I doubt it will stop being strong, but it will be less free.
I do have a fix for Wild Form actually. I found the ability inconsistent in practice, so I've changed two things about it: One, it does something other than give bonus action dice. It's small but useful - at the start of your turn you gain 1 of each Basic token. Two, it has 5 conditions that can be met to give bonus dice, although it can only give +3d6 even if you meet 4 or all 5 of them.
1: Already answered, but you are your own ally. No benefit to targeting yourself with a pull or a push, but for giving tokens or healing, yes.
2: In the current version of the rules, any action with targets must include your Challenger. So, you can Yell, since Yell has no targets, but you couldn't use Stand Strong to heal yourself, because it does have targets and could target your Challenger.
In the upcoming errata, Challenge tokens' effects are changed to "All damage-dealing actions you perform must include your Challenger as a target", so actions like Stand Strong are unaffected by holding a Challenge token.
3: Yeah, you don't target anyone while in Mastermind style. You just walk around and shout orders. However, if an ally you control has a challenge token, you will need to consider that for the Action you make them do.
Chaos tokens function as a 4 in your dice pool, so they can still be used for 1+, 2+, and 3+ actions, too, not just 4+. Ogre is intended to use this 4 on a Throw or Grapple, but can also use it on Watch Your Step just fine.
The Bomb's Reversal Form lets them take their Actions at any time. If a player in range EVER builds up tokens to do something, like a bunch of Speed tokens to run around, a bunch of Iron to block with, or a bunch of Power for a deadly crush, a Bomb can instantly punish them with an explosive Apply Pressure.
Alternatively, pair the bomb alongside a Flametongue or other Winter stance to really shove tokens on everyone for you. They're a Stooge, they are not meant to be used by themselves.
1: Trap damage is supposed to be End of Turn or when you are moved into it. I will try to find and remove wherever it states Start of Turn instead.
2: Armor blocks 1 damage from all damage sources, including Traps. Iron tokens can be spent on any damage source, up to 2 tokens per source, so yes they can reduce Trap damage.
3: It is a general rule that if you have Speed tokens, you can spend them to escape an Edge you are moved onto. It is a specific note in Puppet Style because Puppet Shadow and Puppet Reversal are one of the few ways to move someone off an edge at the start of their own turn, before they can take any Actions. So, I added the clause that they can immediately spend an action die to use the Basic Action Movement to gain the Speed tokens needed to escape, because otherwise this is an extremely cheesy way to get a ringout. lt happens after they roll their action dice and after they had missed the chance to pass them off with Heroic Spirit, but before they could spend them to do anything, so it was a turn skip combo.
4: Yes, Wild Form is excellent for passing along Heroic Spirit for this reason. Abilities you apply to OTHERS deactivate while you are Taken Out, but still apply to yourself - this is how Vigilance Form can wake you back up from zero HP.
5: Volcanic Dance can indeed deal a ton of damage by dragging someone behind you, although there are two important things to note: first, Iron tokens can stop any forced movement, even Dance's pull, and second, Traps can only deal damage once per turn, so you need to only drag them through new Traps each time. Also, Armor negates this strategy entirely, as mentioned above.
6: The Trickster abilities can be used to pay for Iron token actions, yes. And yes , a Focused Trickster can spend Burning or Weakness tokens to block attacks or to pay for Iron token actions.