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A member registered Dec 29, 2022 · View creator page →

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I like your ideas. Maybe some extra UI after picking your upgrade? Like two buttons on the bottom right of the screen: one to teleport back to the middle and another one to start the next round?

Thanks for the advice! How could we have improved the collection system?

glad you liked it :)
it was a last minute addition

(1 edit)

thanks for the feedback!


Evasion and taking on enemies quickly in smaller groups at a time will help you survive longer!

the tutorial explains that the big bottom bar is how much more you can stretch and the smaller bar is how much mass you have

lmfao i also didn't understand what was going on

Very polished!

The discord link is expired!

yeah i wanted the shop to only be accessible when teleporting to make you go back to the beginning more often

SORRY! Audio is not on by default (you must turn it up in the options menu)

yeah i wanted to do that or at least add tips but no time :(

ty. which side did you think was harder to play?

I love the idea and the underwater visual and sound effects :)

I really like everything about this game, and the concept is great! I just wish you didn't have to pause and then go into a menu just to switch roles...

same name idea lmao

makes sense, but I wanted the police to have that unique mechanic

Very nice! I raelly liked the sounds :)


he was blown away :D

thanks! i have no clue how to set the default values :(

Really nice art and music! I liked the variation in the timing :)

Really nice pixel art and music :D

I think there should be a limit on blocks placed though because i kinda found myself spamming blocks everywhere

I GOT 179200 SCORE. also nice art and sfx

yeah sorry, at 1 am it seemed more scary not knowing how much HP the monster has (maybe not the best time for big decisions)


yeah i sorry i forgot to add damage particles, but the bullets are registering. you need to shoot at it while it's chasing down your teamates while keeping some distance :)

the buttons in the beginning spawn in the humans :) I didn't have time to make a lot of things clear in the game though :(


love the style and the idea just great :D

I love the art and music! However, I found myself just mashing the up and left keys and never using the right arrow...

