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A member registered Jul 11, 2019 · View creator page →

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i second this, multiplayer would be so cool

use whiskey! ( i use it for windows games all the time and it WORKS super easy to set up -fellow mac user

i absolutely love this game my only gripe is that theres no saves please add save games !!! <3


this is cool

my friend is streaming horror games in our server every day until halloween so i reccomended this one, and the friend that made the schedule for him misspelled it as "Dormanti ville" and couldn't find the game, and we all thought he made it up. Pretty ironic and funny for found footage game, because it literally couldn't find it. Didn't show up on google or on itch.

this is so cool i love this

The game doesn't work, but it seems cool so i'd love to try it!

oh hell yeah

this has fucking changed me as a person. im just sittng here at 2 am with my head in my hands. i cant even describe the emotions this is making me feel. i can't put a word to any of them. 

sounds like you read fast!

(1 edit)

There's no way to search and easily find how to do the side quest, and it just took me wayy longer than it should have, so here's how to do it for anyone who wants to cheat (like i did):










before you go to the hot springs, talk to eleni (house closest to the top gate of town), that starts the quest

go talk to clementine, (house under yours). she gives you the pudding.

go to the left side of town and talk to the guy over there by (i think the inn?). big building he's standing outside. he'll play a song for you. talk to him again, and he'll let you borrow his flute. 

go to the supermarket, buy 2 bulbs. 

you can give the flute and pudding to eleni first, or go to the hot springs now, either is up to you. 

after you go to the hot springs,  on your way back home there will be 2 light posts with dead bulbs. replace them. now go back to eleni. she'll kick you out for some setup, then go back in. boom. there you go. (this took me like 2 

(edited bc i cant spell :( lol)

10/10 I love this game so much!! I'm a massive fan of your work!!

keep the .exe file in the folder

Oh!! I almost forgot- I LOVE the UI I honestly think it's better than any of the mainline DR games

A detail I really liked was that there was a mini menu for what truth bullet youre on. Makes it easier to find the one you want :)

You guys did it!! You made Hangman's Gambit fun!!

Every time I try to download any game though the app, I get this error. When I download and run things with my browser it works fine.

(htfs.Open (initial request): in conn.Connect, exhausted retry context: in conn.tryConnect, while doing GET request: Get "": dial tcp connectex: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.)