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A member registered Mar 29, 2015 · View creator page →

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Gotta check this out. Am I right that there's inspiration from nipper maps?

- Nice cool blue water, really pretty shader

- I love fake candy bar labels in games. CHOCOLATE

- I like that the access card references data entering picard's super long access code

- Every day, once a day, give yourself a present-- that's a dale cooper quote!

- A little bit of light spookiness in areas but nothing too bad

- I beat it! The hardest one was the developer texture area, which I didn't quite 'get' how I finished it, it was a little confusing and took a lot of wandering around and coming back to it before I finished it.

Really enjoyed this, well polished, cute references, a little spooky but not too much, the bicycle was an awesome quality-of-life feature, nice aesthetics, great music, just overall a really nice short experience. One of the best of this jam.

Really enjoyed this, well polished, cute references, a little spooky but not too much, the bicycle was an awesome quality-of-life feature, nice aesthetics, great music, just overall a really nice short experience. One of the best of this jam.

(3 edits)

Couple other thoughts: 

- I really like the cloud shader.

- I have Mindfulness upgraded to lvl 3 and it still only seems to do 10 determination healing, which is what it did when I got it -- does it not actually upgrade when you upgrade it?

- The spiked helmet seems like it can't be picked up when dropped off enemies. Or maybe it's a candle?

- The hover sound when you hover over menu items is quite intense and can quickly get quite grating.

- The hitching seems to occur when the -1 focus / roaring sound happens.

Here's my speedrun using the probably most egregious parkour skip:

I was not playing in the browser.

Yes, I went inside the cottage, although only at the end before I played hide and seek.

I tried throwing the cows, but picking them up was very inconsistent and only seemed to work half the time, so it was faster to just pick one up and carry it in most cases.

I liked it. Unsettling. Neat.

Really enjoyed this and looking forward to your future works.

Really excellent game, really excellent aesthetic, good combat, great writing, great music, great design-- plays very smoothly, no unnecessary friction. One of the best of this jam, if not the best.

I don't know what's going on with this game but it crashed within the first 5 minutes of gameplay and just generally gave me the creeps, so I immediately uninstalled after it crashed.

I can't seem to get out of the room. How do I use the gaming console...?

How/where do I download the game?

Interesting. I like the art.

Thoughts (mostly recorded while playing):

- Holy shit this main menu music slaps. Hell yeah. Also the confirmation noise is in key, and the new game button is deeper and more intense, love that

- Dear christ the mouse sensitivity is high by default

- The gradient sun is charming

- Why do you have to take the cows through the main door

- What is with these music choices for the cassettes

- Transporting these cows is very tedious

- Whyyyy does my player collide with the cows

- Why 7 cows. Why so many. Please.

- Finally, entering The Chasm. So much of a relief to not have to carry cows around and hear those cassettes.

- I like the gag of the rocks being named after genres of rock music.

- I'm back. Oh god, the cassetes are back.

- Ending. Guess I have to wait for the conclusion in Laughingstock Apocalypse 3.

My favorite part was the main menu music.

What is the song? Did you make it?

I liked it, but I wish it was clear whether it was a horror experience or not from the start. Games like this that ride the sort of creepy unsettling line between horror and not-horror make me constantly on edge for a screamer, and I have kind of a pathological fear of screamers due to some bad experiences in childhood.

I liked the aesthetic/shader effects and the sound design, though.

(3 edits)

Thoughts after about an hour or two of gameplay:

Thoughts (mostly positive):

- The aesthetic is pretty great. There's a potential worry of treading too close to the pink marble statue vaporwave aesthetic, and I would say it successfully avoids that. The models are nice, the items are interestingly unique.

- I like the names of the Focus abilities.

- I like the ability to parkour around the map, although that... may not be intentional in some cases. I can get on top of streetlights and find ways to bypass the bottomless pits and get on top of buildings in some cases in a way that lets me see the outside of the map quite easily.

- I like the look of the dungeons, both of the ones I visited-- what I assume is supposed to be the first one, and the one that's just a long hallway with the radio at the end.

- I like the music that exists, it is somewhat sparse, but it works well.

- I like the idea of throwing coins in the river, and the massive piles of coins visible when you jump in.

- I really liked exploring the world and I liked the characters/dialogue in the areas where you could speak to NPCs, particularly the 'art show' above the mall.

Other Thoughts (mostly negative):

- You can't see what your items do when you're in combat, and you can't see what your equipment does when choosing it on the equipment screen (which makes it a pain in the ass to compare equipment). I would humbly request that this description information be visible somewhere other than just when you click>examine in the items menu.

- I think the save/upgrade hourglass being a physical location is more frustration than it's worth.

- I think the save system in general is... odd. I worry there may be situations that you save after getting stuck in an area, and then you're just screwed forever because you saved in an area you can't get out of.

- It's an interesting choice but ultimately, I think, just a frustrating one to make it so that status effects are effectively permanent until you find the specific ways to remove them. Getting ennui and brain fog from one random enemy in a dungeon and then having it... presently, my entire experience of the game session forward is pretty rough.

- The foggy forest areas are quite samey, maze-like and generic, and as far as I can tell, I have no ability to actually hit the eyeball enemies, so my present understanding is that I'll just have to avoid ever getting detected by them, which means it's a forced stealth level, basically? Pretty rough stuff there. It may be fun to some, but not overly much to me.

- I went to an area that was a huge hallway using a consumable item and the first door I went inside took me to... an area I'd already been very recently. So, a waste of the book. No telling when I'll get another.

- The area you get to using the shifting stone on the rubble that has a long hallway/catwalk with a radio at the end doesn't seem to me to have any way to leave except falling off the edge. Luckily, that just seems to take you to a random area ala LSD, but it seems odd. 

- At first, I got the impression that the various cabinets, mailboxes, chests, etc around the world acted in a 'roguelike' fashion, where if I died and came back, they would occasionally have new loot. As far as I can tell, though, if you ever loot a 'container' or other loot spawn, it never comes back, and all that loot is manually placed. I would prefer, given that's the case, that the container stays visibly open or darkened, changed in some way so that I know I already looted it, because I can't keep myself from opening them just in case when I walk by. It *feels* like there should still be a chance to find something.

- Twice, I've had issues with the game thinking that I was falling through the ground and ending the dream prematurely. Once, when I entered combat while falling-- it kicked me out after I beat the enemy, and secondly when I was just walking along.

- There's a weird bug where the game freezes for what feels like a microsecond, but the mouse still moves a bunch, and messes up your jumping/aiming, quite disorienting. Hypnic jerks, if you will. It seems to happen more often sometimes and less often sometimes.

Overall, I think that it left me feeling somewhat lacking. I'd like to see more variety in the initial town that you start in, so the early game doesn't feel so samey. I'd like to see the mazelike areas get less tedious to go through, and I'd like to see future areas. But it's promising - I feel like in a year or so this could be a really excellent, unique dreamlike RPG. At present, there are enough painpoints I wouldn't want to buy it in an early access sort of situation.

I liked it. Some of the areas were silly and some were quite strikingly beautiful, particularly the street with the house inside, and the red and white forest.

It's a bit of a kerfuffle with regards to the two developers of the game, I wouldn't discuss it here as it seems to be a sensitive subject. Basically one of the developers wanted to recreate the engine from scratch and one of the developers wanted to just get the game finished and shipped.

(1 edit)

After playing the game probably 10-20 hours by now, both just for fun and to get footage for a video, my main gripes would be that the character controller is definitely odd and quite uncomfortable to use, and the lack of mouse sensitivity or FOV options are rough for quality of life - the FOV quite subtly gives the game a sort of nausea-inducing feeling in addition to the character controller.

Then, on top of that, the lighting being so extreme makes it a lot to... take in when you're playing.

I suspect some of these changes are related to the way the character controller is affected by the various armor pieces you can get which can be activated/deactivated to give bonuses to your movement.

I would imagine there was an earlier character controller that was a bit more intuitive and then they had to create a new one that was able to receive all these bonuses to various aspects of it, and creating a first person character controller from scratch is quite a frustrating and complex task. I don't blame them but I'd love to see a new version one day that uses a revamped character controller and has FOV and mouse sensitivity options.

At this point I think I've played 8 hours at least, I've beaten the game, and seen what I assume must be every area. I'm really impressed by the game and it's clear how much work has gone into it. It has a great sense of humor, a wonderful aesthetic, and I love some of the more subdued and quieter areas in the game like the Museum, Ghost Buffet, Necropolis, Paradise Garden, Cosmos, Lonely Apartment, etc... in comparison to the many loud, abrasive areas just absolutely chock full of stuff. I'm really glad you decided to release it and I hope that releasing it will mean you can take a break for a while and let your mind cool down after spending so much of your life working on this thing. I know just as well that a project like this can sort of destroy your brain over time.

As far as negatives, I wish the 3d-space-swirl/spin effect when you get hit by bombs or touch meat/conveyer belts, and the fact that hotdogs force you to vomit for 10 seconds (which makes the game near-unplayable in many areas when you unblock the hotdog factory) were changed. Perhaps an Iron Stomach upgrade to make it so you can eat hotdogs like burgers instead of getting force-bezoar'd and an Iron Equillibrium upgrade to remove the spin effect would do a lot to help the quality of life.

The lighting is obviously not ideal but you're clearly aware of that, so I don't think it helps to mention that, and I love the aesthetic of the whole thing, I just wish some areas weren't so mind-meltingly bright in the bedazzled version.

The character controller seems to have a glitch that causes it to frequently veer off in one direction rather than go straight forward much of the time, I'm not sure what causes that but it can be pretty annoying sometimes.

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Seems like there's an issue with piss upgrades that you get from the Piss Guild members, they don't do anything and disappear permanently if you reduce the level.

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This is a fantastic thing and has a lot of work put into it and some very hot writing! Thank you! I particularly like how much effort went into the coding and the new game plus aspect, really more thoughtful design than pretty much any other erotic game I've seen!!! 5/5!