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A member registered May 23, 2021 · View creator page →

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Interessante o jogo, mas vou fazer algumas pontuações:
 - Como a logo jogo é em pixel-art, e ela inclusive tá presente no jogo durante a gameplay, o jogador fica com a expectativa que o jogo vai ter uma arte pixelada. Expectativa essa que é totalmente quebrada pelo estilo "web moderno". Então acredito que adotar uma fonte pixelada e 'caixas' em pixel-art seja uma boa opção.
 - A interface, pelo menos no meu celular, estava muito próximas da borda da tela, o que é um tanto desconfortável (especialmente o menu de seleção de termas e o 'Sobre', bem como a logo do jogo e a pontuação [em relação ao lado direito] durante a partida).
 - As fontes, de forma geral, bem como a logo e os botões parecem achatadas o que é bastante desagradável. Isso fica ainda mais perceptível no menu de pausamento, que fora isso, também apresenta irregularidade significativa no espaçamento entre os botões.
  - A escolha de 2 paletas de cor foi algo que me gerou certo incomodo, talvez pelo contraste entre o ciano e o azul escuro. Talvez seja uma boa opção adotar uma única paleta de cor, ou tentar tornar ambas paletas mais harmoniosa uma a outra.
  - Quando vamos inserir a resposta, a caixa de texto fica muito acima do teclado, o que não é agradável visualmente. Fora isso, acharia interessante o incremento de um botão que permitisse você pegar a próxima dica sem digitar nada para aqueles momentos que você não tiver menor ideia de qual seja a resposta e não ter que digitar qualquer coisa na caixa de texto.

[Algumas dessas coisas podem ser próprias do meu aparelho, mas é importante que o jogo tenha uma interface responsiva, que se adapte aos diferentes dispositivos]

Imagino que você tenha se inspirado no quadro "Quem sabe mais?" do cadê chave, gostei bastante que você importou a ideia pra um jogo mobile, o incremento de um leaderboard talvez seja interessante (apesar de eu não fazer ideia da dificuldade que é implementar isso)

De mais, é isso. Bom jogo =D e se você pretender melhorá-lo, bom trabalho pra você. Vai longeee 👍

Era reutilizar, aaa, nem dá pra editar o título ;-;.

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Posso reutilizar no jogo da JAM um script de administração de áudios? Só serve para "chamar" os áudios + facilmente, gerar variações aleatórias de  pitch, escolher um audio aleatoriamente e acabar com o problema de que quando o objeto emissor do áudio é deletado enquanto o áudio toca, o aúdio para.

Thank for very detailed reveiw. = )

The graphics are great and music AWSOME. I loved the black hole mechanic. I think would be great if you decrease the reload/delay-time before you can shoot again. But overall the game is very nice.

I would be very grateful if you try my game, and give some feedback and rating:! But thans you anyway by making Space Delivery.

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The game it's very good(ot, sorry by this joke).  Despite the simplicity, the music/sfx are awsome, I fell some difficulty while playing, but I think that this can be fix by adding a little coyote jump and jump buffering (I think that this's the key to a very reponsive plataform game. I feel that the particles dissapear very abruptly, it's good to make the scale and alpha of the decrease gradually . This is more one opnion: I think than would be better that the player gain points everytime that he move to other plataform than when pass some time (about pontuation, maybe put a low sound effect when the player gains 1 point would be great).

Try using this plugin to solve the audio bugging:

I would be so grateful if you can give me some  rating and feedback about my game: Thanks you anyway by doing this game.

Great concept, graphics and musics. I have some problems during the battles, sometime i needed to "morse" the letter twice or more, but perharps I don't understand so well how to play (I think that's good to say on tutorial that's is necessarie to damage the animal click on then before emmiting the morse code - (tried 2 times the tutorial and I don't say this information)).  It may be impression, but there's a delay before the word be deleted?

i would be so grateful if you can give some feedback about mt game:! Anyways thanks you for this game with this amazing idea.

Nice game - Beatiful art, good music/sfx and game idea. I have some difficul, but probably it's my lack of reflex. (Idk more what say, it very good, hahaha)

I would be so grateful if you test my game: Thanks you anyway by making this amazing game.

Amazing game, The sprites and musics are awsome, but a little bit frustating sometimes, perharps adding coyote jump and jump buffering would improve it. Thank you by makin this game anyway.

I would be so grateful if you give me some feedback about my game:

Amazing game. It looks and sounds very well, a little bit difficult, but perharps it the it purpose. I missed some button that indicates that you can jump, it would be easier to understand that get the purple fruits gives a extra jump (initially i thought that i get an extra jump on when I'm on a "hole area"). 

I found 2 bug.s (nothing that really impact the game) sometimes when you fall it's possible to see then end of tiles:

Other thing, If I dash horizontally on the first plataform of the first level I can enter on it (after you start Falling):

But it's a very good game. I think that if you published this on playstore anyone would think that was made on 7 days = )

I think that i don't know how it's work, hahaha. I passed some time clicking the button on that initial scene (I think that it shoud move to other scenes, and my computer is bugged, but i'm not sure.). Would be great if you need to click less to reach the mansion ambient  (my finger it's aching) and some explanation about how to avoid BEING attacks. But I loved the Idea overall.

I loved your art too.  Coincidentally I use godot too, if you agree maybe some day we can try to do one togheter.

Maybe this plugin can fix the audio bugs

I would be so grateful if you can give some feedback about my game:

Good game. It's sound very well and the particles make the game more livid. I think that would be better if you interpolate the motion of the character when moving to the other street, giving the idea of movement at expense of teletransport. I don't know if it was proposital, but when you die you still cotrolling the character during a interval.  I think that would look better if you change the coins text to a brigher color and chage it's font. But overall it's good.

If you can give me some feedback about my game I would be very grateful: But anyways thank you for participating of the jam.

Very good game. The art, music and sfx are amazing. The effects like the hearths on dog, stars on bone and the dog  defecating make the game look so nice and the dog more integrated of world. In technics aspects i loved the pathfind that was implemented (I had some problems trying to do one for my game) and a bug it's that sometimes when the dog drown on water you don't become at the same point that you was on earth (I skipped some little obtacles on this way), but it's not so relevant to the quality that the game has.

If you can give me some feedback about my game I would be very grateful: Anyway thank for the amazing and very well polished game = ).

Vert good game, graphics music and storytelling.  I loved how you handle the button action acording to the situation, but I missed some option to speed up the dialogs and i think that's hard (but probably it's my lack of skill).

On overall it's very good.

I would appreciate if you can give some feedback to my game: Anyways thank you for this so well made game.

I don't use unity, but maybe this tutorial can help you -> 

The game it's amazing, The visuals are very fluid and the music amazing (IDK if it's my device but the sound of bullet it's very low, don't making the impact that would do.  I think that decrasing the time that you need to hold the space to move would be good.

I would be grateful if you give me some feedback about my game, but anyways thanks for the game = ).

The aethetic's and the music's game it's amazing, I suffered some difficult while playing: I think that if you add coyote jump, jump buffering and making the player don't collide with the plataform right and left side would make the gameplay very better.

I would be so grateful if you give me some feedback about my game: Anyways, thank you for making this awsome game.

I'm a little bit confusing to me, there's 2 levels or more. It looking that's repeating, I don't know if it's the purpose. Adding a background, some frame to make the santa moves (can be making only   the head a pixel higher for example) to give it some more vivacity, addinng some sound effect on jump (sfxr it's a good option - and some particles  particles on jump. I think that the additions would make you game improve a lot.

I would be very grateful if you give some feedback about my game: But thank anyway for making this game.

Good game, beatiful graphics. I missed some sound effects when the player and enemie shot and when a power up it's colected. The idea of holding the space to move and fastly pressing it to shot was nice.The bug of the music restarting when chose the menu option don't impact the gameplay, but it's good to fix it. And for lest i feel thaat's better don't wait to player release the space to compute the "hold", but look if the space is pressed during x seconds/miliseconds and consider that's a hold.

I would apoligize you a lot if you could give me some feedback for my game: But thank you anyway by making your game (it rithym : D)


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It's a great game on all factors: the graphics, sfx and music. It's so well made that's had to believe that was made on 7 days. (I think that it's a little bit difficult, but can be my lack of skill)

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Good game, the music, sond effects and the graphics are awsome. But as other alredy said it's better to use a different font from the default godot's font. (vc fala português?)

It's amazing game, specially when I think that was made on 1 week. The controls are very responsive, the animation very fluid, the game relative long (or I that am bad), and 2 game mode type. One button akido looks like the best game of that jam ( at least of what I played)

The game on it's own purpose is great, nice music, sfx and graphics, but I think that it's not fun, i mean there's not lot of things, you pop some bubbles, you saw that the game it's "only this" and pass to next. add something to do with the points: make appear more valueable/resistent bubles, give yo new types of shot, and so on. 

(I know that we had a short period to do the game, don't having time to do all this,  but I'm trying give some feedback to improve the game after the jam posteriorly)

Very good and polished game. Music and graphics are awsome, I had some problems with de obstacles, but probably because I'm bad on games.

The game sounds and look awsome, but had some difficulties with the controls:

- While I'm walking the direction change, it's make the game very more difficult and frustant what probably will make the players give up

- I can jump infinity times (while my direction is up)

- When I release space the character still moving - That make more difficult to do that first level jump, for example

Very good game idea and well polished game. I have question: there's really 55 waves?

Very good and polished game. The particles that follows the ball are awsome and the puzzle are pretty nice. A question: It was maded with godot?

Good game, despite the bugs i liked the music and graphics a lot. A question - It was made on godot?

Good game - Sounds and looks very good. Maybe would be good to add some particles when irrigating and some sound when unlocking new item, but on overral it's pretty nice.

Very good game, beatiful graphics and awsome sountrack. Would be good to add other patterns of stars along you get greater pontuations to make the game harder, but overall it's good.

I loved the idea. The art it's beatiful. I personally think that the controls area a little bit difficult and that the enemies should has less health (because sometimes you stop and only smash X, that become repetitive and not fun). A question - It was made using godot?

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I love everything, the graphics, music, sfx, controls (very responsive) and specially the dialogue system that ask the player to give up.

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Thank you = ), I'm glad that you enjoyed. I tried to play your game but i got a black screen: 

Thanks = )