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A member registered Nov 08, 2021 · View creator page →

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Nice game. Would recommend adding some more sound effects, especially when getting your score displayed.


Overall good game. It's just that I think the enemies are a little bit stiff. Would recommend adding some movement patterns to enemies and also getting them from standing still when out of range.

That is soooo coool!

Nice. Maybe make the ball bounce when touching each other too.

Good game. I don't know if your idea is to allow the player to shoot every time or not but okay. For me it seems like when you want to hit the ball upward ^ , I think the force application is smaller than the other directions, maybe it's because I have less space to move the mouse down. Sometimes I get stuck as I can not see the ball because it is behind a wall, maybe make that piece of wall transparent when hitting it? Overall this is a good game and I like playing it, however, I can not get past level 4 lol I'm so bad. (Sorry for my English)

Gotcha. Deal!!!

Thank you for the compliment. I'm from Vietnam bro :))