Super cool, did you draw the graphics for the ludum dare? I love the character animation.
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I used SDL2 for mine. The cheating part was that I yanked the engine from another game I'm making and used it for this. Hardly had to make any changes to get it to render nicely. Bonus was that I essentially only wrote game code. Don't have lots of time on my hands so the 10 hours I spent had to suffice. Think I'm going to try love2d for my next jam.
I see a lot of really complete frameworks being promoted for this jam. Anyone else spending all their time on coding and essentially no time on graphics because there won't be any time left? :D
Anywho, to get nice upscaling in sdl2 set your screen dimensions to a nice size and use this to upscale:
SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY, "nearest"); // To get nice 'pixely' upscaling
SDL_RenderSerLogicalSize(renderer, 64, 64); // Upscale to current screen size from 64x64