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liquidportal games

A member registered Nov 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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thank you. will do. please do give me some time as i am busy with school work at the moment.

thank you very much for playing. I was unsure if I made the project too unclear, as I don't think many people are getting to the ending. as for the font, I 100% agree. I just wanted to go for a timeless aesthetic, though that clearly worked against me.

seriously, your comment means the world to me. thank you!

thank you

thank you! and sorry about the slider.


thank you very much

appreciate it!


thank you for the feedback and the comment! much appreciated!

Thank you :)

Thank you for the feedback! I agree. The slider could have been done a lot better in many ways.

Thank you!

I agree. I should have gone with scroll wheel and optimized it to make it work.

Thank you for the feedback!

A bit odd to hear about that crash. A few friends I had playtest it were able to make it to Level 8. Either way, sorry about the glitches.

thank you!

thank you! and don't worry, the controls are kinda bad on my end. you're fine.

you're right. it definitely is.

Appreciate it! I do like this concept however I have seen better implementations in this very jam. For my next game I want to take a more storytelling oriented approach.

Thank you for the feedback. The issue with changing the heading of the rocket is yes it makes the puzzles a lot easier as you can simply take any path to the green portal, which would make level design trickier. 

Funny you mention the mouse roller, that was the original control for changing size. I decided to change this as the slider allowed for more rapid size changes.

Thank you! How far did you get?

Woah, awesome game man! I really dig the gameplay. And thank you for your comment!

ahh that seems to be a pretty big issue. apologies for the oversight!


Thank you for the feedback. That was quite the oversight on my part, apologies!

Thank you :)

Awesome! I actually submitted a game with almost the exact same premise though I must say your version is far more intuitive and well made. Well done!

Incredible atmosphere and ambience. Might be my favourite submission I have seen thus far.

Amazing concept, cute art, and very well executed.

Thank you so much for playing! This is my first time publishing a game that I would consider fully complete, so it is truly an honour to have someone give it such a high rating :)

Incredible premise, incredible atmosphere, really amazing stuff. The iconography for the insane or not choice seems to be flipped though, as it looks like the ones with the red lines are to select "not insane".

Amazing game. Hopefully the ScareTheater video on it helps it blow up again.

Thank you friend, I really appreciate it!

Very good! I love the super hot theme + the retro doom/wolfenstein graphics.

I love the art and sound design! Difficulty pacing is a bit rusty but overall a very fun game, and an excellent take on the theme!