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A member registered Mar 10, 2022

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Any chance for a mailing list or dedicated website for updates and whatnot? I’ve been following the game since mid-February (I procrastinate badly enough it could be mistaken for lurking), and it seems like I’m checking back here every two or three days because I absolutely don’t want to miss an update. I’m afraid I’ll miss it if I rely solely on the feed.

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Super happy to see an update to PET. There are far too few tools for exploring table level dynamics, which is sad considering the whole point is supposed to be ‘collaborative storytelling’. There’s Player Emulation with Tags (which you know already), Scene Unfolding Machine (which treats the GM as more of  a person than an answer box) and Dungeon Zone (which isn’t intended for solo). Motif Character Engine is too incomplete to count (I suspect the original creator died).

If you know of any I missed, please share!

Though, I wonder what happens if you were to use a Player Emulator with a game designed to run GM-less, or have multiple GMs and only emulated players. Or emulate players who couldn’t be bothered to show up… 

-uh, wow. Actually, that last bit could be pretty useful. Think it could work?

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Came here from Einzelmaus. How solo-able is this?

Edit: Nevermind. I asked due to the “designed for at least two people” line, but in reading the demo I found it includes solo rules and advice.

A really great solo oracle system, but I want to clarify to visitors here that it is a mashup of pre-existing tools and mechanics. 

From the Acknowledgements: Mythic by Tana Pigeon, Recluse by Graven Utterance, The Oracle by Ray Otus and  Chapter System by Rory Bracebuckle.


- Add pages for d8, d12, 3d6 and Fudge dice (4dF).

- Add ‘Pocketmod’ version.

- Add ‘Dice’ tag to project.

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An excellent variation of the Otherkind Dice mechanic that I'll be adding to my toolkit. Cuts down on having to improvise goals and dangers (if you have problems coming up with that kind of thing on the fly), the qualities are easy to remember instead of inferred and keeps things down to three dice. Things like Schema or even the updated Otherkind Dice can get... messy. And while I love Force Blade Punks trifecta of 'I get what I want', 'I don't get hurt' and 'I don't feel ashamed', it isn't universally applicable.

If I were to make a suggestion, I would recommend changing 'Efficiency' to 'Cost'. Maybe add a page or two of advice about rolling an extra die and discarding the highest/lowest when running with an advantage/disadvantage. A karma mechanic for failures. The usual kind of TTRPG tricks that get written off as common knowledge.