Also I was bored and was playing around trying to learn godot just cuz I had nothing else to do trying to make a similar project. I don't think I'm gonna finish it or really do anything with it but it would be nice if there was a way to help contribute to your code base somehow just as a noncommittal optional thing for funsies.
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I definitely enjoy these types of games as transformation dungeon crawlers are my kind of jam. This was a pleasant experience to play around with and as such I've developed a few thoughts
I like the auto-move and its general ability to navigate past small nooks and crannies , movement feels very smooth as a result and its easy to tell the speed of enemies. On the note of speed I don't really understand what the dexterity spell was supposed to do? In general it felt like my speed stayed consistent throughout.
I like the dungeon layouts, I think the sharp jaggedness of going down very thin corridors makes encounters much more interesting and the larger rooms flooded with enemies can also be very intimidating in a good way. On the note of navigation I do think some sort of indication you are going in the generally correct direction of the exit may be a good idea especially if you're already starving and dying in gridlock really bad and need to get to a new floor ASAP. Also you could have multiple exits as a simpler solution to hard to find exits. Also maybe a small reward for getting to the next level so that way you don't just book it for the exit and die anyway?
Leveling up is a pretty consistent way to stay alive until the 4~5 level where you don't level up for a long time and have to rely on other means. Maybe make it easier to heal or recover MP and decrease the amount of HP and MP recovered from leveling up so that way you aren't dependent on it to survive. Could go nicely with a cooking system from the monsters you kill in the dungeon.
On the notes of transformation it was a little difficult to tell what transformations did what to the body beyond just being flavor text. I'm not sure how but stats or general descriptions of their abilities may be good for that. I like the idea of only being able to check on your body at a cost of MP but I do think the current price might be a bit high especially considering you have other much more important costs to keep up (like the magic blade, health, ect.) So it might be worth considering lowering the price of the check self to 2 or 1. Alternatively maybe checking yourself can be free (including your hunger, health, xp to next level, general appearance of parts of your body) but specific information about what curse you have can be locked behind the 4 MP paywall. So maybe you could actually see what percentage you are until you fully transform and game over. You could also display when curses have worn off so you know when you can safely stop suppressing the curse. On the note of suppressing the curse while the spell did feel useful it felt difficult to know when it was actually safe to turn off. Usually this ended up with me turning it on and resting until my MP dropped to 0. In fact a lot of my deaths came from running out of MP to work with and trying to rest to get it back but then starving before I could get it back. I then found out if I just alternate between what creatures I died too I could elongate my life until I fully transform.
As a sidenote I think more environmental traps would be cool. Like a TF dart or boulder or something, or maybe a chest mimic if you're feeling devious.
I think it was cool how the enemies got cataloged when you die to them although I wish I could see their stats and weaknesses so I could know what I could do in the future to help fight against them.
I did wish I got to see more shops. I was able to meet one person but I had no money and no idea where to get money so I couldn't buy anything :/ Would be good if I could get items from enemies to sells or craft with, or just straight gold to buy things with. Towns and bonus levels could also be cool. I think a good game to look at for a lot of these things is Barony as it contains a lot of similar mechanics to draw inspiration from.
Music and particle effects were a good choice, even with the simple art style it felt atmospheric.
I hope this feed back is helpful to you, I'd love to see more games like this get fully developed so message me if you have any questions or want help :D
I'm actually getting so nostalgic looking at this code. I remember writing little pygame applications and some scratch stuff too with these huge overarching systems. Also I like the way you're handling your level design. It reminds me of when I was writing an Undertale-esque game that used a black filled variant to act as collision for ground that got pasted over with the colored visual variant. Good stuff.
Cool stuff. Checked it out the other day. Few bugs here and there especially following when the fed tigress enters its animation. Also Evan crashes when grabbed by either the male or female evolved slime (Not sure which one). This would be a pretty fun game to crack open and see what parts I could piece a part and test its limits. Also found out the little mushroom light in the big blue friendly dragon is proximity activated. You can get on to one of those two platforms and get close enough to turn on the light! So that's pretty fun. Maybe I see later if I can actually find some way to look at the code but that's pretty tough when compiled. Anyways I need to stop putting off my compsci and bio labs.
I've been analyzing this game and I think I really like the sterile environment that the personal version adds, how we are able to show how a person's day to day live changes so drastically as we intervene. I think it would be cool to have some kind of opposing force that you'd have to manage that would try to slow you down. I'll probably keep looking for similar idle games like the one you've created.
So, The Mac edition of this game does not work. When I attempt to open it says that this game is not optimized for Mac and gives options like the screen ratio and inputs. When you hit play and try to start a new game as usual after selecting a king or queen, the game runs but nothing happens. Your King/Queen just sits there and nobody appears to greet you or ask questions. You can still move your mouse around and click to make sounds but nothing else happens. There also seems to be a background error, both sides the buildings are cutoff. If I had to take a guess about what is happening it would be that the game works, but when you select a King/Queen it doesn't run whatever script that causes people to start appearing and the game start as a result. It would be great if you could fix this bug because it seems like a great game to play.