Didn't expect to see a sequel or something to Crypt World here, makes me want to play the first game
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I can't really help but I was looking around & someone on YouTube has like 3 stream archives of working on a Miku Hatsune model that does this. Not a tutorial but they recorded themself making it so if you skim around you might figure things out.(Sorry it's a bit long but you kinda just need to skim around while checking the preview when you move your mouse around on the loading bar)
Just kinda know you need certain parts you want to move a little to be their own layer. So you can see the bangs, side bangs, ears & a little bit of hair on the shoulders move, those are their own layer.(Though bangs & side bangs are together from the looks of it)
I feel stupid for asking this, it's not much & not much of a problem but is there a chance for a preview button? I know I could just minimize everything & test stuff that way but when I started HONK up for the first time I was confused why there was no animation.
I mistook the eye calibration for a preview button twice & messed around with things cause I didn't know what to do. It was a coincidence that I realized I should try having the program be unfocused when I realized I could see the animation now.(I was looking through the documents just in case & either missed it or could find were it said to test it that way)