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Lizard Of Oz

A member registered Jun 03, 2022 · View creator page →

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Also, I guess the driver pop-up is just Unreal Engine prompting you to update your drivers.

Thanks. While I initially didn't think the underlying mechanic (using dice values to act as a puzzle trigger) can be stretched for a full game, the comments made me reconsider.

(3 edits)

Thanks. I was trying very hard to make at least 3 sides be visible at once, but at that angle you'd lose the sense of which direction is "up" and which one is "right".

Thanks. Funnily enough, a friend of mine I gave this game to, called this exact moment (dropping the dice off the edge) a terrible idea.

Liked the aesthetics and how the game feels well wrapped up overall, even if at the expense of the gameplay depth.

Out of several similar games (including mine) this is the one that "clicked" and I enjoy it until the broken 16 point puzzle.

The level design actually made me move with intent, while other similar games just left me jumbling random directions. Great job!