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A member registered Sep 04, 2019 · View creator page →

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It should be under the download buttons if you go via your games library page

while ethnicities is still far from being in the game (making the last few data maps is taking a lot longer than i thought and i’m prioriticinhn cities and subdivisions) there is plans for events where a country annexes or declare wars for a specific city, ethnicity or subdivision.

country based odds for events is also planned wich would lead to countries wanting to unify their ethnicity and so on but for now i’m focusing on other stuff as i don’t wanna add a bunch of lag causing stuff at the same time so that i can focus on making everything lag less.

as for steam it will cost money but anyone who owns / bought the game on will get a free steam key

it changes the value that determenes what side hot a advantage in the war from being between 0-100 to be betqeen 0-4 and therefore wars sre quicker, less stalemates but more janky / bigger difference when the value changes mid war

i’m sorry but it’s not a phone game and therefore there is no android version and no plans to release on the google play store, the linux version is meant for linux computers

can’t say for sure but i’m aiming at making it run as smooth as possible and there are a few of the systems in game that are still the same as when i first tried to see if i could make it work and therefore most likely caused lag

it’s still in development is running better in each update so far.

also there are  ways in game to reduce lag such as making the map  visually updating only once a week or month or you can play on medium / small maps.

yea but it doesn’t always do entire continents

the small common flood has been removed due to causing too many game breaking issues, the big one is still in the game but is somewhat rare

text on the map to make it easier asweel as nation specific map colours is planned but delayed until some more core stuff is done aswell as lag decrease / optimization as dynamic text is taxing on the performance

yes but there’s not a lot of things needed to be done so it will release soon

not right now but in a few months it's planned to be released on steam


sorry, wanted to have it outside of discord but only other option would be making a website for it and i don’t have the time or money to make and host it

you can make custom maps in any paint software, just copy the files of one of the base game maps and then edit the png maps inside of the files and the text doccuments to fit whatever you want to make.

atm the official place to upload/download custom maps is in the discord server, there is a link to the discord in the "links" menu in the main menu of the game

make sure you downloaded the version with a windows logo (4 squares in a 2x2 pattern) and not the linux or macos version

also considering making the revolt events heavily city based/having revolts start in cities and expand outwards

it's planned but i want to add the other "entities" that will be able to revolt before i make the event so i don't need to completly redo it later on

it's planned but i need to first get subdivisions done so that i can optimize country shape data storage better so that i can use that in a less laggy way to find out where each text should be located

and subdivisions has been taking multiple months of work and is still far from done

anyone who buys here will get a free steam key

Sadly that would completely kill this games and any chance of its development ever being continued.

i am considering it but not a priority atm

open the .exe file

the game is kinda demanding atm, working on a few bigger things to reduce lag but there is no real short time fix sadly
and yea anyone who buys here will get steam keys

there will be custom map support, but the base game map isn't fully done yet so want to wait for that first

yes but it will take a while

hi, will look into clicking on countries later on, also i can’t do any quick fixed for lag anymore and therefore canceled this months update to fully focus on working on subdivisions, wich will fix a lot of lag, but is a big feture that takes a long time and a lot of annoying repetetive work

having a visible ship or something would be cool, but naval invasions need to be quick due to how many small 1 pixel islands there are and atm they are calculated within 1 day so would be too quick to show

atm in alpha 3, it's 50% of either side in a 1v1 war having the advantage, and for the invaded by all event it is 100% of the invaded having a dissadvantage, but a 1 in 6 chance of it being a "controversial politician" event and therefore the one being invaded having the advantage, also during the events who got advantage do slightly change so it gives the overall advantage to the bigger countries as it takes longer time to invade and therefore have more time for the advantage to flip

i will most likely look more into more complicated war streangth systems, but sadly need to throw out anything i try that makes event last for too long with no clear easy way to make them faster

i tried something similar to having a military streangth counter for each country when working on alpha 3, but sadly wars just lasted forever and therefore ended up with the more simplified and random streangth system in alpha 3 as it's a lot easier to balance and have big changes in the wars happen while not lasting forever.

more complicated war sides and smaller wars will be added later on but want to wait until more info/data maps are done like subdivisions, ethnicities and cities

it’s not being worked on anymore and i’ve spent 3+ years working on that game and spending a shit ton of money on tools and stuff for it, why would it be free?

it’s macos

i genuinely don't think so

yes more events is planned but most stuff won't start development until subdivisions, cities and ethnicity maps are done. and it was originally planned to be every year but changed to every 10 years, so might say the wrong thing somewhere but unsure


they are but the specific event that only creates them is delayed.

atm they are automatically made along side the shore of drained areas mainly to make all drained areas not immediately disappear as soon as sea levels rise

based on previous interaction i do quickly need to ask this before i look into this, do you know that the game is semi turn based, so you need to press space to go to the next turn (unless you’re in alpha 3 pre release where i accidentally left in a unfinished auto play feature)

scroll wheel, might add buttons for it in alpha 3 as i realize now everyone doesn’t have a scroll wheel

Phones would not be able to handle it

I'd recommend to not start of making a game like earthroyale as it is a bit complicated for someone really new to developing games.
i went to school for game design so i don't know of too many ways to help someone learn via the internet but i do recommending starting of with something simple such as a 2D platformer, and when trying to figure out how to code stuff try to search on google for basic small components of what you wanna make and try to puzzle it together instead of looking up big things as that will make coding easier for you in the long run