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A member registered Sep 04, 2019 · View creator page →

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it’s not being worked on anymore and i’ve spent 3+ years working on that game and spending a shit ton of money on tools and stuff for it, why would it be free?

it’s macos

i genuinely don't think so

yes more events is planned but most stuff won't start development until subdivisions, cities and ethnicity maps are done. and it was originally planned to be every year but changed to every 10 years, so might say the wrong thing somewhere but unsure


they are but the specific event that only creates them is delayed.

atm they are automatically made along side the shore of drained areas mainly to make all drained areas not immediately disappear as soon as sea levels rise

based on previous interaction i do quickly need to ask this before i look into this, do you know that the game is semi turn based, so you need to press space to go to the next turn (unless you’re in alpha 3 pre release where i accidentally left in a unfinished auto play feature)

scroll wheel, might add buttons for it in alpha 3 as i realize now everyone doesn’t have a scroll wheel

Phones would not be able to handle it

I'd recommend to not start of making a game like earthroyale as it is a bit complicated for someone really new to developing games.
i went to school for game design so i don't know of too many ways to help someone learn via the internet but i do recommending starting of with something simple such as a 2D platformer, and when trying to figure out how to code stuff try to search on google for basic small components of what you wanna make and try to puzzle it together instead of looking up big things as that will make coding easier for you in the long run

not from what i know, it's really  fun type of game to make but a lot of manual and annoying work

i don't know of any independent east guyanan country and can't find anything when doing quick google searches, if there is actually some form of independence movement with control please do inform me of it with some form of source, since i really can't find anything

still super early in development so both lf those things are being worked one ^^

yes, i might do some bug fixes later on but the original earthroyales core started becoming to old and too badly made as it was made when i still went to school for game development, so event the smallest changes or bug fixes ended up requiring me to rewrite like 60% of the games code

yes and meant to be semi random as the game is meant to be very chaotic

there is no military strength in the game, atm nothing effect what countries do what, but it's planned to have the score linked to it when i got more stuff in the game to effect score such as cities

i'm developing the game alone so it might take longer than that

i am currently considering adding 1600s, 1700s, 1800s and 1900s maps, might add a 1950s too to the list, but it will have to wait until I'm done with the subdivisions, city and ethnicity/culture maps for the main modern map

hi thanks for enjoying the game <3 somethings like not always the attacking winning is being worked on and alliances are not planned but something that's being considered, currently working on more foundational things like not always attacker winning, colonizing unclaimed land, planet colonization, subdivisions and cities

thanks and yes, started work on it i think in one of the first 3 months this year (unsure which) so it hasn't sadly gotten super far in development, but it has so much potential and really is beautiful

Since I'm not a big company or anything the game is seen as coming from a "un trusted source" so you need to go into security settings and allow the game to be opened

there is 3 games in the "series / franchise / whatever you wanna call it" 1st game is EuropeRoyale, 2nd is EarthRoyale, 3rd is EarthRoyale 3

are you on windows or mac?

all old versions is free while the newest is paid

can attempt making one for alpha 3, but alpha 3 won’t release until the end of this month and won’t be free untill the end of next month

the game won’t be on steam untill it’s outside of alpha, so around early next year.

if you buy the 1 month early updates version you will get a key once it is released on steam


people would still constantly report the bugs to me if i left it up, and as i work on the game alone and therefore is the only one that needs to take on the support role, it gets really mentally taxing having the same thing reported over and over again when it's something you can't fix for that version and is already fixed in newer versions

updating games takes a lot of time, to be able to have that time to spend on the game i need money, getting money takes time, so better to just make the thing i already spend time on be the thing that earns the money instead of spending all my time getting money via other sources that takes up all my time instead

i've tried to make a web version before and it just crashes, also i currently have too many issues with the itch.io page of the game to even upload anything so sadly that's just not possible in anyway

No u

push play, paintmode and then the lowest bottom (don’t remember what’s its named) to start the game in paintmode

there was a bug that created coubtries that the game didn’t keep track of and couldn’t be included in any events

hi, the old version was super buggy and had a lot of issues that constantly got reported so i needed to take it down, 

and i can’t give out the full newest version for free and also keep updating the game.

so this was the compromise i ended up thinking was best, have a free version that includes the core main part of the game in the newest update.

in the upcomming updates they will be replaced by other similar stuff ^^

phone version would take a lot of time that i currently don't have, also i don't own or know anyone with a android that i could play test with, and i don't got enough money to just buy multiple phones sadly :/

while there could be a phone version in the far far future, it most likely won't be anytime soon

it's not a virus, it gives a warning due to me being a "untrusted developer".

to not get the warning you can get the sequal game EarthRoyale on steam, the itch.io version of the sequal still give the warning however.

Everything added after V9 would not exist without a payed version, so i can't sadly make a free full version of the game

uuuhhhh it magically got fixed from nowhere with no update so ehm.. have fun^^ should still come another bug fix within a day or two tho