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A member registered Jul 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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Seriously impressive for something made in the span of a game jam! It felt very polished in just about every aspect, and I only downloaded the original one. (I think I'll wait until the full game is out to replay, despite there being a more polished demo already.) Some of the sound effects like the bustling people around the carnival were a little loud and jarring, but that's my biggest complaint. I was also expecting to hear dialogue from the MC since I saw a slider for that, but I assume that will come when the full game releases (or the slider will be removed, either or). Last criticism, it took me a while to figure out what all the buttons at the bottom of the dialogue window meant because I was so enraptured in the gameplay that by the time I wondered, I didn't want to risk messing things up. Maybe adding text alongside the symbols would help that.

As for what I loved, I'll keep it brief despite how much I loved it: The story enraptured me, the character designs and voice work are excellent, and I loved how stylized everything was. The customized menu layouts and the inclusion of picture and music galleries were very welcome surprises. And that's not even mentioning the fact that you apparently not only prepared four single-character routes but also six successive two-character routes—talk about dedication! To your whole team, keep up the great work!

Very impressive for a 48-hour game! While I found very little need to use the sword outside of the final boss, and I thought the scrolling speed could have compensated a bit more when the player gets to the top of the screen, everything else about this was really fun! Gravity changing in platformers is always a win in my book.

Very good game! The only criticism I have is the simplistic visuals, but even those aren't much of a problem in my opinion. The simple action of putting the little gray things on the player to indicate the direction you're facing was charming enough for me. The mechanics and the level design were really good. The final level was really challenging and took me a while to figure out, but since it was the last level, I don't think that's too bad of a difficulty spike. This one was really fun, and I'd love to see more like this in the future!

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Having the other souls move on their own is a great twist on the singleplayer-multicharacter platformer. The game is charming, and the puzzle design is pretty solid. One criticism I have is that some of the puzzles seem to have a bit too much of a difficulty spike, specifically the one that introduced the yellow souls and the one that introduced the jumping soul, the latter of which I was unable to solve, but that's just me. Also, I think that expendable souls should be more obviously marked as such than just having the text say so, unless I missed something. Overall, very fun game. I'd love to see this developed further.