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A member registered Apr 16, 2022

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what is the command to use the Notch- Pickaxe?

Are you left handed? 

As always your games are amazing!

reminded me of the first graphic shareware programs on the old 286ibm  circa 1988? and the old Sierra games..

This is a great game, I have made three characters got them all to lv 7 did not have a single issue.  Pathing is perfect on the mobs, pulling is pay attention, zone awareness on where the social mobs are in their pathing. The only thing I could mention are of the personal preference type that might not be important to all. Example I personally like a button to loot the mobs.

 Seriously This Game, is top notch, outstanding work.. Thank you! I look forward to updates.

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Amazing! Great game! where are the instructions? Actually is there a map? only thing I could not find, the game is truly the best of all worlds.

I found a non crash bug/glitch. The little green balls "slime clump"" do not show up in inventory at the "Sell Loot" in the Adventure's Guild. The "slime clump" do not show up in "consumables" in the Barracks. I could be wrong but I think I remember selling them at one point. Is it just me?

LOL :) thanks for the laugh...

:) it so secret I have never seen it.. :(

Is that truly a "new save"? I have not run across an issue with crashing in shops with a completely new save since the last major update. You are crashing and it's not letting you in the shops at all? I tried to use an old save, and it crashes in shops. I am not the Dev!

So the "exit stage left" chests do not spawn what I am looking to find?. I am good with that, I can work with it. I like that actually. I keep finding small changes from last version, This last update was pretty amazing. Good Job, well done, balance is looking pretty nice. I discovered reading the descriptions of items is key to the game, who would have thought reading was a useful talent in a text based game :}

Thank you kindly for the explanation.

:( did not work on a 1 roll

The Mimic mob, I have not found yet, but The idea was brilliant of you, as it makes "grinding" less a chore. More mobs like this rare ones scattered through the game would be a good idea. As we all know from playing other games, that once a long quest is finished and you have the reward, the painful camping and time required is forgotten once you have the prize. This Game is pure fun! 

One last question, does the gear that increases drop rates, effect the amount of Soul Shards from the zones boss? Thank you for your hard work in putting this wonderful game together.

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I am going to figure this out, it is not the case of failure = mob because one of the versions I failed with broken chest result, and no mob spawned. Now my lock pick is 47, and I open chests with a roll of 2, I hope this is not the case. I was thinking "putting a little light" on the subject was the answer but I have been killing all morning with all that equipment on.

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Loved it, Thank you for your hard work. One thing that I want to ask is the ???? on the list in the bestiary first slot, that mob exist in game? I have been all the way to room 1k in the goblin lair seeing if a rare mob like the shaman existed.

What opens the swap dungeon? completed the Slime Forrest.

I have a question, can you equip two of the same accessories? in prior versions it was possible, it does not appear that you can now. Bug? or by design? I was unable to equip two of the "Lucky Coin".

it's all pets

Yeah the green slime pet bug got me too. >< wish I had saved before it got me. Going to try to buy one of the other pets and see if it's all of them, this is the first bug I have come across. Well done on the debugging...

now it is freezing up if I try to enter a dungeon,  and if I enter a dungeon then leave it, my next action freezes up the game..even if I don't kill anything

old save

I got the adventure's license now I crash going back to dungeon?

The gold collecting badge, what gold is counted toward that? selling items and visits to the dungeon don't seem to add to that, but some times the gold does increase, what's the secret there?

Think it was a user error bug. :) might not have noticed them.

I swear the stat changes were not showing earlier.

What does it mean when you click on a badge in the Barracks a symbol appears on the badge, and an icon appears top right when in the dungeon?

and this is exactly what I was going to post. This game is Fun and would be amazing with more content.

LOL well that explains my Question..

Thank you, That is an amazing update, Actually took me a while to find all the new updates, but discovery is fun, reading directions is  Seriously! Amazing Update, Thank you again for your hard work.

Thank you!!

Thank you for your hard work. This is a nice game, I have completed most all of the content, just wondering when the next update might be. Thank you, again.

Very nice little game. Very Well done! I enjoyed it. 2 out of three secrets.

This was amazing, I really enjoyed it. Make more!

There are issues with log in and lag, with the game, if booted from the game you try and get back on, you get the message "already logged on" and it stays that way for many hours. Other then that it's a fun game.