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A member registered Nov 24, 2021 · View creator page →

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Nice game !!, wanna trade discord username ?, as nsfw game dev we can exchange ideas and improve together

is nsfw game is allowed ?

Hi so happy that you enjoy my game, thanks for playing !!

Hi Blasterjack !, i just added the windows build, please enjoy !!

Cool game! Lots of variation. I think it would be even cooler if you added a list of unlocked effects.

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hmm That's weird, What browser are you using? Could you try refreshing first, it might help.

Yeah actually all of the symbol is just a placeholder at first, but in the end I don't have enough time to redraw the symbol hahahaha

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Awsome art, Scout really cute and sexy, would love to see her more !

Awesome sprite, cool gameplay, extremely lewd!!

Cool game, but to harddd...

Nice short VN  with  sexy monster girl !

really need to 

Nice Game !, love the room and item puzzle, also the story leave me wandering what happen in this place...

Sooo good !, sexy art, sexy animation, polish gameplay, good music, and  lot of features. definitely a GOOD game !! 

Awesome game with cool mechanic, a little bit too hard at first until i use "analyze" button. would love to see more lewd situation / scene, Nice Works!