Nu, V fubhyq abgr, vg jnf fcrpvsvpnyyl gur zbhagnva whvpr cbgvba gung pna urny lbh guebhtu gur phefr. V qvqa'g gel hfvat n abezny UC cbgvba hagvy yngre naq gung jbexrq nf rkcrpgrq.
Recent community posts
V gubhtug gur pynffrf sryg cerggl onynaprq pheeragyl:
- Zntr trgf tbbq qnzntr rneyvre guna gur bgure gjb pynffrf ivn gur Ohefg Sver fcryy, trgf tbbq qnzntr yngr ivn Ninynapur/Nzcyvsl, naq unf gur rkpyhfvir novyvgl gb urny, ohg unf cbbe qrsrafr naq arrqf gb eryl ba FC jnl zber guna gur bgure gjb pynffrf.
- Ebthr vf n ovg oruvaq gur bgure gjb pynffrf va qnzntr qrnyvat pncnovyvgl (arrqvat gur fjbeq/snypuvba cerggl onqyl), ohg Onpxfgno pna svyy va jura arprffnel, naq vg'f nyfb gur bayl pynff juvpu pna obbfg vgf ntvyvgl ol rabhtu gb bhgfcrrq gur zntrf (juvpu ner ol sne gur zbfg qnatrebhf rarzl glcr).
- Jneevbe trgf ol sne gur orfg ngx/qrs ohg unf ab erny hfrshy fxvyyf be grpuf gb fcrnx bs.
Spoilers! (rot13)
V'ir abj orngra gur tnzr jvgu nyy guerr pynffrf :C
Gur fgeng sbe Ebthr vf gb tevaq gb yriry 6 sebz gur jbyirf nf cre hfhny (gur fjbeq tvirf lbh rabhtu nggnpx cbjre gb bar-fubg gurz ng yriry 4 vvep, juvpu vf whfg nobhg tbbq rabhtu).
Gura V nyfb uvg yriry 7 ol tevaqvat ba gur uneqre rarzl tebhc - jvgu gur evtug trne naq yriry hc obahfrf V znantrq gb trg whfg rabhtu fgngf gb bhgfcrrq + bar-fubg gur zntrf, naq onpxfgno vf rssrpgvir ntnvafg gur syrfutevaqref.
Sbe gur obff V whfg jrag va jvgu shyy trne + ohssf - onpxfgno pbhyq bar-fubg gur thlf (jvgu nzcyvsl sbe vafhenapr) naq nsgre trggvat fvyraprq V pbhyq gjb-fubg gurz jvgu zl erthyne nggnpxf.
Guvf fgengrtl erdhverf n yvggyr zber EAT guna gur bgure gjb pynffrf (vs lbh trg fvyraprq ba gheaf 1-2 lbh'yy yvxryl qvr), ohg vg fgvyy jbexf zbfg bs gur gvzr.
Pheeragyl V'z guvaxvat gur orfg ares gb cerirag jvaavat fb rnfvyl jbhyq or gb qb gur guvat fbzr ECTf qb jurer rarzvrf unir erqhprq KC qebcf jura lbh'er uvture yriry guna gurz - gung jnl gur "abezny" qvssvphygl pheir jbhyq fgnl gur fnzr juvyr rssvpvrag cynl jbhyq pnc bhg ng nebhaq yriry 4-5 vafgrnq bs yriry 7-8.
ogj, V'ir abgvprq nabgure oht jurer gur frpbaq gvre bs rarzvrf juvpu fcnja va yngre ba qba'g unir nal tbyq/KC qebcf be NV fpevcg frg pheeragyl.
Gur fubc zrah nyfb graqf gb qvfcynl vapbeerpgyl vs lbh fryy na vgrz jura lbh unir rabhtu fybgf svyyrq hc gb ranoyr fpebyyvat va gur zrah.
Jvgu ertneqf gb lbhe dhrfgvbaf:
- V orng gur tnzr ng qnl 10 vvep
- Eragvat gur ebbz vf qrsvavgryl erdhverq sbe orngvat gur obff, lbh nofbyhgryl arrq gb or noyr gb erpbire lbhe UC/GC/FC - bsp fvapr V jba va yrff guna 15 qnlf, V qvqa'g trg gb gur cbvag jurer V arrqrq gb npghnyyl cnl yby
- Lrnu, V qrsvavgryl jrag nebhaq gnyxvat gb gur ACPf zhygvcyr gvzrf fvapr V jnf pbafgnagyl srryvat fghpx (nf vagraqrq). V ernyyl ybirq nyy gur yvggyr riragf gung unccra.
sjvj V'ir nyernql qvfpbirerq n fhpprffshy fgengrtl sbe gur jneevbe pynff nf jryy.
Fb ybat nf lbh ohss hc lbhe NGX/QRS ba rirel yriry hc (gur fxvyyf gurl trg ner qrpvqrqyl abg jbegu vg yby), gura lbh'yy or noyr fpnyr gb gur cbvag bs bar-fubggvat rirel rarzl glcr ol gur gvzr gur jbyirf trg ercynprq, yrggvat lbh tevaq gb lbhe urneg'f pbagrag.
V unira'g gevrq gur obff svtug lrg fvapr V'z gelvat gb frr ubj uvtu bs n yriry V pna ernpu, ohg V fgebatyl fhfcrpg gung fvzcyl tbvat va jvgu gur fpebyy ohssf naq jnvyvat ba gurz jbhyq jbex jura lbh unir fhpu uvtu fgngf.
Abg fher nobhg gur ebthr lrg, ohg vg'q cebonoyl or orfg gb znxr fbzr birenyy flfgrz punatrf vafgrnq bs pynff-fcrpvsvp barf.
Spoilers! (use rot13)
Fb V frr gung gur vagrag urer jnf sbe lbh gb trg fghpx va n ehg naq raq hc orpbzvat n fgber pyrex jvgubhg rire orvat noyr gb yrnir gbja, yby...
Gung fnvq, V unq gb erfgneg gur tnzr nsgre gur hcqngr fvapr gur fnir svyr qvqa'g pneel bire, naq jvgu zl xabjyrqtr bs gur tnzr zrpunavpf V qvq znantr gb orng gur tnzr'f rpbabzl naq jba gur svany svtug.
Ubj zl eha jrag jnf:
- Zl pynff jnf Zntr.
- Ng gur fgneg, V tbg cerggl sne va yriryf (yriry 3 V guvax?) whfg ol svtugvat gur jbyirf va qnlgvzr.
- Nsgre gung V jrag gb teno gur yrtraqnel fuvryq, naq svtug fbzr bs gur fgebatre rarzl glcrf nybat gur jnl gbb. V nyfb obhtug gur yrngure nezbhe.
- Jvgu tbbq qrsrafr naq gur sver fcryy (sbphf naq urny urycrq gbb), V pbhyq npghnyyl gnxr bhg gur 5k jbys cnpxf ng avtuggvzr. Bgure rarzl glcrf fgneg fubjvat hc cerggl fbba, ohg hagvy gura gurl'er rkgerzryl yhpengvir naq tbg zr gb yriry 6 juvyr gurl jrer ninvynoyr vvep.
- Ng yriry 6 V unq nffrzoyrq gur pbzob bs Nzcyvsl + Ninynapur. Guvf yrg zr grne guebhtu gur uneqre avtuggvzr rarzl tebhcf naq xrrc hc jvgu gur RKC pheir sbe ybat rabhtu gb ernpu yriry 7.
- V xrcg ba tevaqvat nsgre gung, gubhtu V riraghnyyl tbg gur yriry qbja. V guvax yriry 8 zvtug npghnyyl or cbffvoyr gubhtu - V rfgvzngr gung V jnf ~85% bs gur jnl gurer, naq V qvq npghnyyl znantr gb trg onpx gb yriry 7 va gvzr.
- Ng gung cbvag V ernyvmrq V jnfa'g tbvat gb or noyr gb xrrc cnpr nal ybatre fb V jrag bire gb gur obff svtug.
- V jrag va jvgu gur FGE naq QRS ohssf sebz gur fpebyyf, naq ba gur svefg ghea V pnfg Nzcyvsl + Ninynapur.
- Guvf pnhfrf gurz gb fgneg fcnzzvat phefr naq fvyrapr... naq gurl'yy npghnyyl xrrc qbvat fb rira vs gur fgnghf vf nyernql nccyvrq, juvpu jbexf va lbhe snibhe.
- Gung fnvq, va guvf pnfr V npghnyyl jbhyq'ir jba rira vs gurl qvqa'g qb gung.
- V jnf cerggl zhpu rknpgyl fgebat rabhtu gb svavfu rnpu bs gurz bss va bar nggnpx naq gurl bayl qvq nobhg 10 qnzntr gb zr cre uvg, juvpu pbzovarq jvgu gur urnygu cbgvbaf V oebhtug va (gurfr nera'g nssrpgrq ol phefr, vf gung n oht?) jbhyq'ir whfg nobhg tbggra zr bire gur svavfu yvar, fb ybat nf gurl zvffrq n pbhcyr bs gvzrf.
C.F. V npghnyyl dhvgr yvxr guvf tnzr'f pbzong zrpunavpf... juvpu znxrf gur wbxr gra gvzrf shaavre.
V guvax vg'f nyfb sha gung V jnf noyr gb tnzr vg, gubhtu.
Guvf erzvaqf zr n ovg bs zl bja cebwrpg (pheeragyl haeryrnfrq) juvpu qbrf fbzrguvat fvzvyne jvgu na ubhe-ybat erny-gvzr gvzr yvzvg, rkprcg V cynlrq vg fgenvtug naq vagragvbanyyl znqr vg whfg-oneryl-cbffvoyr (ohg fgvyy sehfgengvat), nununununun.
Abj V'z tbaan purpx vs gur bgure gjb pynffrf unir nalguvat rkcybvgnoyr.
Hi, so I decided to give this game a shot - I'm only at the start of the game and it seems interesting enough, but I have a HUGE problem with it: combat animations are WAYYYYYYY too slow. It's at a point where I'm getting frustrated every time I get into a fight, purely because even a trivial encounter against two wolves which I can kill in two hits each takes nearly an entire minute! I'd probably be having a much better time if everything in combat just, happened 2-3 times faster, because again, the current animation speeds are just PAINFULLY slow.
So after watching Sylvie's 2-item 100% challenge run, I decided to try a similar 1-item challenge run to see what the limits would be.
My initial expectations were low, so colour me surprised that I eventually managed to get all the way up to 91% completion!
(Note: The finale isn't completable within the rules of the challenge, so I did have to cheat a little to get my percentage score)
- - -
Here's the exact list of collectibles I wasn't able to get, as denoted in the checklist posted on Steam (Warning: Item location spoilers, of course):
Valley - Flooded Chamber
Underwater - Pot/Aquarium
Underwater - Shrink Cave Under Catfish w/ Octo
Castle - Moat Shrink Tunnel
Sewer - Caged Gem Wand/Switch Puzzle
Caves - Bomb Secret
Hymnir - Floating Platform From Below
Hymnir - Bomb Over Lava Secret
Sewers - Falling Pillar
??? - Above Crusher
Valley - Great Tree Top
Sewer - Shrink Secret Room
Upgraded Book
Great game, after my initial playthrough I did a challenge to see how far you can get with only two shop items at a time and the answer seems to be 31/36 gems.
Aside from that, I do have some bugs to report (related to the ice boss), one in particular was very nasty:
- At one point, walking out of the room during his fist attack caused the fist to get stuck at its position when re-entering the room. This persisted until quitting and reloading the game.
- I also had the game crash once while fighting him, I didn't take a screenshot but I believe the error message was identical to the one in this steam post:
From what I remember, the fist visibly flew upwards off-screen right before the crash happened. I also had to start a new save file after the crash as, on reload, my collectible counters became mismatched with the collection states of the actual items.
Hmm, I'm not totally convinced by the new tutorial change. It feels like it would've been obtrusive (and made for a worse first impression) if it was there in my initial exploration in my first playthrough, and on the flipside I'm not sure that every player who actually needs it will notice the significance of it.
I think my preferred solution for making the intro more understandable would be (if it's possible in the engine?) to have a small portion of the map leading up the the needle be automatically revealed from the start, with the needle room itself being marked (Ludos' hint could be altered to match with the change, too).
That way, people who're stuck would be easily able to see where to go, while anyone who wants to explore is free to check out everywhere else without repeated visual reminders of which way goes to progress.
If that's not enough the entrance to the needle room could be bigger too, it's a bit easy to miss with the perspective, for being the first required objective at least.
Hi! I bought the game yesterday and I've been enjoying it so far. I do have some bugs to report:
1) Leaving the room in the early part of death's monologue after returning his head caused the cutscene to be cancelled, without the head reappearing in its original spot (similar to the previous bug - the save file fix thankfully worked for this bug as well).
2) Trying to complete the wall jump challenge in the room under where Delphi is frequently caused me to clip through the floor in the room above, placing me right next to Delphi. Not only does this let you reach Delphi excessively early, but it also makes collecting the ore the challenge is supposed to be for really annoying too.