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A member registered Jun 28, 2018

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(3 edits)

As a SMT fan, the presence of a press turn inspired combat system in an adult dungeon crawler tickles me to death. My only real problem at the moment is that there's no larger map you can look up of the places you've been to, so I find myself getting lost despite the fact that there isn't much to explore right now this early in development. I'd imagine that's probably already on your to-do list, though. There's also the lack of a 'run' command, which can get a little obnoxious with thieves. With that aside, I eagerly await the next update!

Edit: I also just realized the android version can't be moved to an SD card. Given how precious of a resource a phone's internal memory is, I would probably try to fix that if it's possible to do so without causing issues.