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A member registered Nov 22, 2020 · View creator page →

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definitely correct with the top 10% most fun. great job guys!

5 stars in the wowie factor for sure.

My favourite part was when I pressed it so hard that DR michael Morbius himself appeared and gave me a right old slapping, before telling me 'Gru shall rise' and then literally King Bob murdered my Grandma. Truly one of the games of time.

Amazing! One of the best games, literally due to the simple art of clarity. The popups, particles and animations done really assist in constantly informing the player what's going on, what they're doing wrong, and why shooting them isn't doing anything. I love this concept too- being completely vunerable to being all powerful is such an interesting dynamic that I love playing as- similar to Pac-man- you go from evading to reach the power ups, to having all enemies suddenly vunerable to you. Honestly this game is so great- 5 stars all across the board, congratulations!

I love this! The art, the dialogue between the funny SAM and Mirai is amazing, and dashing visuals- this is overall creative, fun, easy to learn and play, and a great concept! Top 3 games this jam I would say!

One tiny thing- the crossover dash mechanic doesn't feel worth it- if it was more powerful then it would truly encourage collaborating with SAM, but instead I found that doing stuff yourself was better off. Still an awesome game though!

Really, really well done :D

Really cool concept, and the name fits it perfectly too!

The pixel art and little cute people and wheelbarrow really add to the casual music in the background- I really like this. Good job!

I love this concept! It puts a spin on collaboration, and turns it into working with the rather stupid AI to complete the level! I love the pixel art, and the little *doof* noise that plays every time you move- t's very satisfying. One thing to work on would maybe be adding more visual clarity to dying- idk if you ran out of time, but the sudden disappearing is a little unpredictable. If the player slid off the map then I would've scored it 5 stars in every department- no lie.

Really well done though- you're at least on for an honourable mention- I know it!

at least try to find something positive, rather than just barrating someone's hard work

I love this! I really made me think lol- not knowing where Timmy starts really adds a huge layer of difficulty, but lucking the visuals are well made enough to compensate!

For next time, maybe just put a visual hint with pressing the spacebar to skip through dialogue- that's a strange button assign, but apart from that nit-pick, really well done!

there's a research aspect? i more mean like just the name of the item so that it's more clear what they could be used to-rather than just telling the player that information. that alone would make it easier to understand.

still a good game though- don't get me wrong

Nice! I really love how the player and robot both have such a goofy and fun running animation- you really used squash and stretch to make them feel squishy!

I think maybe for next time- cut down on the levels and try to add some more clarity to what's going on- maybe some text from the robot, a tutorial (not that the game wasn't intuitive, but tutorials are always good), as that would really sharpen it up!

Overall though, you did a really good job!

Great voicelines! I got stuck on level 4 for ages lol- way too difficult with not enough mechanics to beat it easily. Either way- the art was pretty nice, and I liked how Cat gave me the wrong answer for the first puzzle. Very useful XD

Honestly an amazing game! It looks great and plays very nicely, I love the sheer number of different objects you have created to help the robot, that must've been tricky to do in such a short period of time- as well as the customizability of the levels- the freedom of being able to drag and drop things around is always very enjoyable for the user. Maybe just one criticism is the lack of an undo button- and I couldn't figure out how to stop the robot between deaths- that would've been useful (so when the bot dies, you go back into edit mode to change it up)

Either way- those are just minor inconveniences, good job!

Very nice! I was unsure how this fit the theme until I suddenly hit a bounce pad held by a robot lol!

I really like this idea- it truly forces you to work with the robots- and in a different way to what other games have done!

You should be proud of this submission, good job :D

It looks amazing, and the idea is very clever- it's just super, super unclear what I have to do, I don't think the hints are obvious enough unfortunately. Maybe could've done with a little popup when you hover over things, so I can easily tell what they can be used to craft?

Good job though, good idea!

the gun tells your AI friend what to target

Wow! I wish I had understood the concept earlier. Honestly this is super creative- the fact that you are entirely powerless and have to rely on your AI friend is very cool- the art and sounds are clear and very nice to look at- one problem is that the name is a bit misleading- I thought the friend was going to randomly kill me lol! Apart from that, overall really good!

Very nice! I love the art style, and as a former scratch user myself I can respect how difficult thos must've been to make. Great job!


Thanks for the review!

thank :]

Yes! I found this game on the submission page. Pogger

Very unique to use AI to generate a theme for your game- don't think anyone else has used genuine AI to assist at all. Good job!


Really funny to play. I was very confused at the start, and then just the masses of swarming (and diverse) naked people has just left me absolutely scarred. Good job!

Interesting! I'm a big fan of being able to change your weapon settings, that's a cool idea. It is however quite annoying that upon every death, your weapon settings are reset. Maybe this could be fixed with global variables? Not sure.

Overall relatively creative, good job!

Good idea! Would've loved some funny comment from the depressed robot beforehand, but this still functions perfectly!

Not sure if it's just a glitch with the web build, or if you just got lazy- but on the third level there were lots of white backgrounds for the images littering the screen. Still a cool game, and looked very nice before coming across that! Good job :]

Very cool idea! Very smooth drag and drop mechanics, and I love the customizability with road pieces. Not quite polished, however- but this is the kind of game I'd love to see at its full potential. Good job!


Loved the visuals, and amazing idea for a game! I love jumping out last second and then just hijacking another bot- it just feels epic (lmao)

You truly deserve a top spot for this game, well done!

This is actually awesome! My brother was watching me play it, and when the 'boss' came onscreen- I couldn't believe it! We both thought it was hilarious that the tank just insta-killed it though, and then just simply went 'hah'

Overall very clever game, well made and unique! Really well done :D

Thanks! I'll check out your game when I have the chance :D

Very nice! I loved not having to worry about where to go, and I especially liked the retreat feature- very clever.

Unique concept, good graphics, well-made... what else can I say?

Well done!

LMAO imagine 

My mum gave me a weird look when I explained the concept to her lol

Apox Games is just such a W team. That being said- so is this entire community. COME AND PLAY WITH ME

would be very cool!

This comment has left me beaming. Thank you so, so much- that means to world to me :D

Lol! I got my family to make the voicelines XD- thought it would be more accurate haha

goofy-ahh lmao

Thank you so much! I really am proud, and these lovely word solidify that. Thank you :]

Hahah! I too love obliterating my keyboard! Thanks for the review and nice comment :D

That's not a bug..... that's a.. feature...

I actually got my family to record the voicelines lmao, just to make it the more accurate XD

Thanks for the review, I really appreciate it!

Thank you so much! Alot of people have enjoyed mashing the keyboard lol! Thanks for the review, it's really appreciated!

you're right. Problem is Godot isn't amazing with input getting, and I wanted to get the input to then display in the bar. This could only be done in a way that meant that the player could hold down the keys. Maybe if I had more time I would've found a way around this, but unfortunately not. Thanks for the review!

Thanks for replaying it to rate it, that's truly appreciated :D

Very cool pixel art! And a rather unique idea. My favourite thing is that the AI isn't actually better than you, so you're often waiting for the AI to catch up, which really makes it feel more like you're working with it.

Good job!