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A member registered May 27, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you. I also planned to upload the webGL build « as it is » but it only works with Firefox… I could only post the videos.  

I have a large collection of abandoned projects 😆

Thank you for your kind message. This game seriously needs A LOT of work to be an actual legit indie game 🙂.  One day maybe 🤔 

Thank you, Kris ☺️. I am seriously considering pursuing this idea to the end. I'm hesitating between this project and… the many other projects I've started!

Efficient gameplay and good level design! Great 👍 

A magnificent love story ❤️😁

I absolutely love the graphic style, atmosphere, and gameplay! It’s fantastic.

This game is in the big leagues.

I won't have more time to dedicate myself to the game jam this week. 

I give up :-) 

I'm posting the animated title screen (with music and sounds) and some capture videos that illustrate what I had in mind. Maybe one of these days I'll actually make this game...

"Whether we shrink or scale, our essence remains unchanged."

Very addictive. Well done, I like it!

This game illustrates well all the difficulty of community managers! It's a beautiful tribute! :)

I had so much fun playing your game!
In short: funny, well done, captivating.

You really managed to transcribe the personalities of the members of the community (well, I haven't met my avatar yet, I fell into a trap, I have to start over).

A big congratulations.

Thank you. I hope you like your zombie avatar and your zombie bot :)

Thank you for your advice at the beginning of the jam. 

(2 edits)

Nice! Well done. Any chance to have a WebGL version?