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Lord Of Puns

A member registered Apr 10, 2022

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Haven't had time to do the puzzle, but this is what I noticed so far (rot 13).

Svefg, gur nyvra fxhyy fubjf hc ng n 43k43 tevq, vaqvpngvat gung guvf vf ubj vg vf fhccbfrq gb or ivrjrq va n fdhner.

nybat jvgu guvf, gur vzntr'f iregvpny cbfvgvbavat frrzf gb or bss, vagraqvat gb unir n 1 cvkry terra obeqre nebhaq gur ragver guvat ohg vafgrnq fuvsgrq qbja.

Zl svany thrff vf gung gur punenpgref gung fubj hc ner n xvaq bs ahzrevpny flfgrz. N fvatyr qbg vf bar, yvar vf 2, qvntbany vf 3, naq qbjaevtug neebj vf 4.

Guvf yvxryl unf gb qrny jvgu gur ahzore 43, ubj fb V qba'g xabj.

My biggest issue is that it feels hard to make money. Having characters ask for hundreds of gold when the most I ever had was around 200. Other than that, the game is good so far.

Here is a tip to go further. You should fire some of your old bodyguards and replace them with more expensive ones with at least 2 bonuses. This means that you can get more bonuses while the individual units deal more damage unlike the caveman which only does like 3 base damage.

I got to round 28 with only no pro bonus (somehow legit), and I do have one complaint. After round like 20 when you get the sixth party member, the game feels like it is just a sit still and wait till you die since I don't think you unlock new character slots again, would it be possible to add more party members to use in later rounds?

Maybe like you can spend money to gild a party member to do slightly better or just more party slots.