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A member registered Apr 18, 2023 · View creator page →

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That's the fourth time i've been asked about the Super Shotgun, and i still don't know if i want to add it or not.

Currently leaning on "no".


You can always check out the latest changelog for any update i don't consider important enough to warrant a new changelog.

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You're gonna have to crack it open on SLADE to tweak the values, but they're all in the same file.
DECORATE/Base/ammo.txt, on the Ammo.BackpackAmount value, with the enhanced ammo in ammo2.txt.
They're the very first items on the list.

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Usually when i post an update, and it's nothing particularly major or noteworthy, i just update the latest devlog to include those changes.

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I think the throwing knives being set to a keyboard bind instead of mouse 2 is a bit cumbersome.

Also, it seems i can throw them indefinitively.

I have no idea, unfortunately, i'm not familiar with Delta Touch.
It runs on the latest version of LZDoom with no issues, if it helps.

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Noted and added, with a few more items i think i forgot to replace.

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I wish so, too.
Those were the ones i was the most sure of.
These don't have a specific "vibe", but i think they might go well:

Ashes 2063
Monster Hunter Ltd.
Operation Ibis Island
Doom 2 Re-build-t
Scorching Earth
Bloody Steel and Grime might also be worth a try, though those are pretty hard.
Maybe futzing around with a few DBPs as well. Rainy Days in Casablanca and The City of Damned Children might work well.

Anything with an urban/castle/PSX Doom/Grove/Mordeth theme/vibe works.

I don't think so, at least content-wise, the mod is pretty much feature-complete. 

I do have a Hotline Miami-styled combo system in here, though.

Consolation Prize: PSX/N64
Silent Hill 5to2 (Midwich Elementary)
Chainworm Kommando
Stickney Installation
Going Down Turbo

This video shows off a few more mods that can add to the experience, plus a few more links for the aforementioned maps, and a few extra monster packs.

The barrel rig requires two grenades to be assembled, and it's a proximity bomb, instead of a time bomb.

If you look at the glow, it has the same color as the Proximity setting on the Semtex.

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-Every two-handed weapon, except for the Shotgun and Grenade Launcher, has a Precision Mode, be it a scope, a shouldering of the stock, or a laser sight on the Alt-Fire key.
Using any of those gives you more precise aiming and tighter spread, at the cost of slower movement, and the disabling of your jumping, running and rolling while active.

-The Shotgun and Grenade Launcher have alternate ammo, instead.

Shotgun gets Wideshot, which increases damage and horizontal spread, and the Grenade Launcher gets Super Grenades, which turn your grenades into room-clearing cluster-bombs. Toggled with Alt-Fire.

-Dual-wielded guns can be single-fired, halving ammo consumption and damage, but increasing your rate-of-fire.
Really fun with the Uzis. Press Alt-Fire to do just that.

-Crouch + Jump and Directional commands roll, on ground and on-air.
While rolling, Lara takes a fraction of the damage she receives from most attacks.
Rolling can boost you forward in mid-air, and could (hypothetically) be combined with a sprint jump.

-Lara moves slightly slower than the average player, but she can sprint with the Run key.
Sprinting makes her run at twice the speed, and lets her jump farther.
Lara can't sprint while using Precision Modes, and her stamina regenerates when on-ground and not sprinting.

-FRG also has a "holster weapons" button, which lets Lara climb ledges.
Pressing Use climbs them, and the maximum height she can climb is of the average Doom crate.

Ah, sim.

 É porque o Altfire já tá ocupado, aí eu pus no Weapon Zoom.

De fato, o DJC também usa o chute no Zoom, só que como ele tem uns binds á mais (Granadas/Ammo Toggle/Combat Stim), tá numa própria seção pra ficar fácil de organizar.


It's the Weapon Zoom key, i'm pretty sure it's in the Help/F1 screen.

Because the Chaingun is already the mod's Super Shotgun, the Shotgun is already more powerful than vanilla, and because two pump shotguns would feel redundant.

They really are, at the moment. They were supposed to serve more like caltrops, pushing enemies back and stunning them, but it isn't useful enough to warrant the 5-shell cost.

Right now i buffed them to the average damage of a shotgun blast (10 x 8 = 80). and made them affected by the Flareshot enhancer, so hopefully they'll be more useful.

I'll be upping it (hopefully) tomorrow.

I'm not sure, it would require a bunch of wire-tearing, because it uses certain functions that Zandronum/OG ZD doesn't have.

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Sorry for the silence, i've been working and tweaking a bunch of stuff, and i plan on a maintenance update soon.
I've got plenty of tweaks and touch-ups in the works, and you'll be seeing them soon enough.

Meanwhile, here's  the ammo values i'm looking at.

I wanna ask your opinion: Too tight or good enough?

The K-RAD rockets and Semtex bundles are unchanged.

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Tossing around 3 for small and 6 large pickups and 35/70 w/backpack as the overall limit.