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A member registered Aug 31, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you ! We hope to fix every bugs after the voting period !

We improved the game a lot after the jam, the final idea came in the last 5 hours or so, but yes it is really fun when it isn't buggy as hell !!

Yep, it is really buggy so moving dices is really awful... and it's the core gameplay so that's a good feature, difficulty :P

This is really an amazing entry for the jam, the art is killing it and it is really fun ! Yes a bit hard as you mentionned it, but this is what I want : to suffer !! But really, congratulation for your entry.

This is a really fun and quite addicting game, it lacks some musics and juice but for a game jam this is really good ! especially when you get many auto-die, i love it.

It is a broken fps, there is too much bugs to really enjoy the game but we have corrected them to post the un-bugged version of it !

This is a really well made and polished entry and it is really fun to solve the little puzzle whiches get really interesting as we progress ! Congrats !

It's really an amazing entry. Good fit to the theme and the restriction, with a fun gameplay, a lot of particles and bloom. It is a masterpiece

Thanks ! It was quite a controversial take to implement really "choose a side" since if I let player just switch sides without losing the current side it wasn't so important to choose a side. And thanks a lot for your review !

Thanks !

Yep, it was a bit hard for me to stuck to fully geometric shapes, I wanted to have more personality to the player and better recognise the machines, but yep, I hope i'll improve !

thank you ! I had to remake everything because I forgot it was geometric but it did turn better than I expected !

Damn, i see that, it is a good menu.

It is fun, but I killed the whole humanity...
The concept is well developed and there is a lot of polish which is really nice, the asteroids seems to be square to fit the geometricness of the jam but that makes them feel out of place.

Nice art style and mecanic to fit to the theme.

The only down side I found is that the music glitch when we switch sides so it is quite annoying but other than that. I would love to speedrun this game, it looks like it would be amazing !

The art is killing it. And the music too !
I had a hard time using the player hitbox which get easily stuck when ennemies are chasing me but I think I'm just bad :p

Oooh this is a relaxing game with some difficulty but I love it.

And the menus are cool, polished and beautiful.

Its an absolute banger.

it's really cool and satisfaying to play. Congrats for pulling this off !

A pleasure ! it is always Linux that is forgotten, but I won't do that, especially for a game that plays in the terminal !

the unix terminals are fine with escape color code and the integrated ide-terminals should work too.

yep ! imma make it when I'm in the mood to go back to Rust lmao

Thank you a lot for your review ! This was the first time working together !

And I agree with you, we will expand on our idea more after the jam (I hope so).

Oh nice to have feedbacks ! I'll fix that out as soon as possible :D

I should try your game btw... I've seen that you are also a solo game dev, and new in the domain, if you need anything, ask me.

It'll be good to implement a lot more of stuff in, collectables and color palette, like selecting a hue value for the player and a hue for the background elements. But yes I see what you're talking about. It is just a minigame so it is cool to play a bit of time

Jumping, nothing else, just jumping...