why am i getting so many notifications from one post bruh
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So I have an idea for an abilty grimmy (you) has. Its called 'Soul Harvest' and its where grimmy kills sombody and their little blue soul floats out their body and then grimmy sucks it into his scythe. It will be a total pain in the ass to make so do I make it and spend another like 2-4 making it or do I just dont add it and post the fist level sooner? Merry christmas!
(I'm trying to say this without giving too much of the story away so just go along)
So I made a game a while back called 'Mind of a Killer' and its total shit so I'm kinda embarrassed to upload it but it had an amazing storyline. anyways this game is a sequal to that unreleased game. but I need a long storyline to a sequal to this game about a guy (the friend of the main character in Mind of a Killer) who is investgating his suicide. Blah blah blah shit happens. now he is in death headquarters (the place where all the grim reapers live). What trouble can he get himself in and whats a good name for him?