Okay, alors il faut que je vous dise: ce jeu est une dinguerie.
L'humour est cool, la direction artistique est surprenante mais super maitrisée, le message est vraiment marquant et bien amené.
Je regrette pas du tout le temps passé dessus!
Hey! We would be very happy if you could feature our game!
Here is the link:
Thanks a lot for what you're doing!
And about your game: I liked the way sheeps die so much i had trouble ending it :D The sound they make before dying is an awesome feedback indeed!
what an awesome game!
Art (music and visuals) is simply top notch
Gameplay is a little slow for me, but Level design is really awesome!
This is the kind of games i would want to play on the go! Did you think about making a mobile version?
(little detail: The music would be even more awesome if it was a seamless loop)
Truly cute concept! here is ours if you wanna try it out:
(its way less cute haha): https://itch.io/jam/ndab-jam/rate/630490
It would be a real pleasure to be on this video :D
Here is our entry