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A member registered Apr 23, 2022

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(1 edit)

I'm playing on PC and for me the background images are stretched the same as AlexxxG reports for mobile.

Please add an option to turn off the music and ask players if they want a login or save local. I find it highly annoying that the game always opens my browser on startup..

The controls would be more intuitive if the marker wpould move with the tile i'm currently moving and not stay in place.

Other than that I like it so far, but I ran into a problem with Angel chapter 5 part 4. I'm quite sure I got it right but it won't complete. And when I go to the gellery after opening this picture it turns up as the puzzle. If I use "previous/next" the texts appear but the whole page is filled with the unsolved puzzle Angel 5-4.

Well, end of july is about now. Let's hope it's not just a hope ;)

Neither could I.

IMO this stat is either completely illogical or badly named. For example, if I manage to fight off an attacker my confidence should go up, not down.

And how do I judge if I say that I don't like certain stuff?

Anyway I'm bored with this discussion. kingmaster wants that stuff, I don't. End of story. 

Then, why do you judge mine?

and I hope it stays that way.

Yup. It's quite annoying. Either you never get the clothes you want or you break the immersion by constantly saving and reloading.

At least random events (including shops and inventory) are recalculated every time a game is loaded.

This is intended. She only stays for a few days so you have the opportunity to ask about the whole situation. After that she returns to her own place. But don't worry, you will meet her again later.

I didn't know you could delete saves like this.

In any case, save files for RenPy games are stored in two places: in the game's directory there is a subdirectory /game/saves and in /AppData/roaming (for Win 10) there is a subdirectory /RenPy that contains config and save data for all your RenPy games.

You should add some way to clean up in the clinic/institute. It's quite annoying if you want to visit Dr. Tucker in the morning (before the pub is open) and can't go in because some idiots on the bus deposited their exess protein on you :)

It seems there is a bug in the quest to gather the potion ingredients: If you go to the forest first you're automatically sent back to the city after the nymph and you can't go to the lake.

Some kind of questlog would be nice.

Anyway, why can't I give that bloody hunter what he deserves?

IIRC I read somewhere that you also have to reject the soccer boy's offer to to get the bullies off your back. Else they will turn back to Cass.

Thanks for the info. Do you know if there is a way to speed up this "adjutment"?

Is it possible to acquire the Exhibitionist perk? I'd love to play male origin but exhibitionist is too much fun to let it go...

I managed to get the Commando perk and now I don't have valid home clothes due to lack of panties.

And I had some small issues at the lake. It has already been reported that the game freezes if you jump off the pier wearing your swimsuit. This freeze doesn't happen if you are an exhibitionist and dump your clothes right there. But this can lead to another issue: if you go for a naked run at the beach and get the interaction where you can flash for the guy, you're forced in your everyday clothes afterwards. Then you can only leave to the bus or if you select "hang out" which teleports you to the pier.

What exactly are the requirements for the different dialog options for this Simon character in the first Institute quest?

Yesterday my Sammy had 100 arousal (or whatever the "Heart-Stat" is called) but the dialog option was locked. On the other hand she only had 22 fitness but the barmaid option was open.

Well, I can see how a Mall wouldn't really fit the setting, but then, why do I hand out flyers to get people go shopping at the market instead of the mall?

I think there should be a permanent clothes shop where you can get regular stuff. While I can accept having to scour the market for some fancy dresses, I'd hate to do the same just to replace some lost panties or buy a different skirt or blouse.

What I really miss is a preview option so I can decide if I like the look of an outfit before I spend the money and get home. And some info for which clothing category a garment is usable. E.g. I like this T-shirt, but can I wear it as a sports top?

If you don't want to use time, I'd rather keep it simple and allow only a certain number of boosts before a real rest is required.

About 5 boosters per day sounds right. I'm not sure about limiting the jobs you can do per day. But maybe you could assign a completion-time to each battery consuming activity and then either force a rest after 20 or so hours, or just increase the daycount after every 24 hours. In that case I wouldn't force a new day after "rest and recharge" but just assign 4 hours for resting. Although then I'd probably enforce a rest every three days or so. As an android you don't need sleep so the reason would be that the batteries need a slow recharge once in a while. You could make resting more important by reducing the battery capacity every 24 hours without rest.

Thanks for the reply. Raising the payout for jobs and bounties and especially balancing them is a good idea. As it is no, most bounties are not worth the efford

On another note, maybe you should limit the dayly uses of battery boosters. I started a new game today and using the boosters I managed to get power and stamina to 10, DEX to 8 and start both Helga's and Nexus' quests by day 5.

I like the new outfits. And I agree with Helga: that "thing" on a female body is not a good idea ;)

I really like the new content. Just one minor thing: imo most jobs, especially moddeling and secretary, are underpaid in comparison with the "personal trainer" at the gym.

Thanks. Then I'll download and try. :)

Well, you know your own texts, so you can read them faster than someone who sees them for the first time. Anyway, thanks for the reply and taking this into consideration.

A New Dawn community · Created a new topic Text speed

Is it possible to slow down the text scrolling speed? I just started the game and in the cutscene where the the main character and the boy drive from the first refugee camp in the valey to the next location I was only able to read about a third of the text because it was scrolling so fast. :(

Downloaded the new version yesterday and it works now. Thanks.

Btw, do you check the language settings of the system or is it coincidence that the game started in german for me?

And in this german setup dialog one or two lines appeared in english, I don't remember which ones.

I have played this for a bit and now I'm curious: Are there any nice guys in town or is the whole place a dump of retarded assholes?

Thanks for the info. I can see your point when you don't want too many rewards in one area, but as it is working in the gym is a lot more lucrative than getting into fights, even if you add the bounty to the combat rewards. Since exploring results are random I see it as a waste of energy unless there is a chance of a real reward.

Is there (or will there be) an option to increase Charisma and Intelligence?

And how about a partial increase of the relevant stats for fighting and sex like there is for working at the factory and the gym?

Does that mean I can use the light version to update from the previous release, but if I want to install for the first time I need the full one?

I have a problem. Just downloaded and started the game. These two chicks turn up and start pestering me with questions, but all I can see in their text lines is "", and there is no text in the reply buttons either.

Any idea what happened?

What's the difference between FULL and LIGHT downloads?

Thanks for the quick reply. Concerning the battery, I think it would help to just increase the capacity from 4 to 6. For recharging keep the hotel to fully recharge and the alley for partly recharging with the risk of someone stealing part of your money. And then you could add a "quickcharge" function (4 points for 10 credits, no risk) to one of the shops or the bar. If you add a quickcharge option the alley can stay at 2 points as a "last resort", else make the alley 3 or 4.

For the not yet implemented content, I know this is work in progress and you can't do everything at once :)

If there is a way to help, I'd be willing to spend some time for it. Haven't worked with RenPy yet but I do have some experience using Python.

Can I maximize both, affection and corruption with Emily?

Do I really have to create an account on TeraBox to download this !?! :(

I quite like it so far, both the idea of the story and the graphics.

Just one minor annoyance: I think you need to recharge the battery too often, especially while exploring when more often than not you don't find anything interesting.

And too bad the romance thing with Echo isn't done further yet ;)

Thanks for the info. Then I'll wait and try it once this is implemented.