Happy to hear you enjoyed it! I think I didn't intentionally implement anything like that.
Now you are making me wonder if I implemented something to balance the odds of pulling each piece but didn't consider piece dumping, which could lead to the case you were mentioning. I made this game a couple of years ago, and I don't really remember it, hahaha.
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Why it is tagged like 'a downloadable game' if I can't download it?
I'm forced to tag it as either a downloadable game or a web game, neither of those really fits the description.Is it placed on a specific City? Should I look for it?
I sometimes prepare a few copies for cities I travel to, but I mostly rely on events/festivals/associations that want to feature it. This page is an attempt to facilitate that kind of contact.
So the game is all about figuring out the name of the demon in front of you (press summon to show the first one). The demon catalog on the right contains clues you must use to identify the demon. When you think you've found the right name, click confirm the name. So for example, if you think the demon in front of you is Belzebro, have that page open and then click confirm.
If you were right, the demon will go away. If you were wrong, they'll mock you and you won't be able to guess another name for half a minute.
The game ends after you find the name of 5 demons.
You can use https://rot13.com to translate the following code.
N ehyr va gur znahny fnlf qrzbaf qba'g xabj nobhg gur thvqr lbh'er hfvat gb yrnea gurve anzrf. Ohg gur ynfg qrzba zragvbaf gur thvqr, fb ubj pbhyq gung or? Ba gur svefg cntr bs gur thvqr (nybat jvgu gur tnzr perqvgf, vg nyfb nccrnef ba gur vgpu cntr) gurer'f n yvar gung fnlf Ovyy jebgr naq erivrjrq gur qrzba snpgf ba gur thvqr. Naq gurer'f na ragel gurer nobhg n qrzba anzrq Ovyy, fb gurer'f n qrzba gung urycrq jevgr gur thvqr naq xabjf nobhg vg. Naq Ovyy'f ragel ba gur thvqr vf shaal jura lbh ernyvmr ur jebgr vg (vg fnlf Ovyy vf vaperqvoyr naq fhpprffshy naq nyfb fhcre uhzoyr).
There are around 60 levels (plus narrative scenes). The minimum playthrough time tends to be around 2 hours, but that can stretch to 4-6 hours based on your familiarity with puzzle games and if you want to see all the content.
Levels are built with one solution in mind, but the open mechanics lets you complete the levels in different ways (and I try to encourage that, I never block alternative solutions). On some levels, you can even reach the solution using fewer resources. So it's more open than your traditional puzzle game but not as open as a management game.
There's an old demo on Steam that I'll publish on itch if I find time to update it.
It's a coop game for two people playing using the same computer. One person looks at the screen and is given instructions (but can't use the keyboard). The other person is able to press keys but doesn't know what's going on. The first player will direct the second saying things like "a little bit to the left", which is supposed to mimic what happens when somebody is scratching your back.
Hi! It's a tricky answer.
I built a custom level editor while working on the game, and I really want to release it. Most developers don't do this because (unless your game is super popular) it barely gets any use. I don't mind that, it's just a thing I want to do for personal reasons.
So I need to really polish it (right now it's not meant to be used by others) and make it easier to share levels around. That last part involves a lot of work and there's a chance I could hit a major block (I'd need to look into implementing steam workshop into the project structure).
The game will launch without a level editor. After that, I'll start working on a public level editor, but it involves a few challenges I haven't tackled in the past, so I can't make any official announcements until I'm sure it's happening.
Hi there! I used one of your tracks on this jam game.
Thanks a lot for sharing it!
¡Buenas! Me alegro mucho de que te gusten mis juegos :-D
En cuanto a lo de la inspiración, sale un poco de cualquier sitio. Normalmente es más fácil que me inspire con cosas que inicialmente no están relacionadas con juegos (aunque luego busque mecánicas o estructuras más comunes para articular esas ideas).