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A member registered Jul 28, 2022

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he was sick before. don't update about 1 month

I think words are repeated several times in dining hall talking, it's important for dream afterwards, but we only need to know eric may have knife then scare someone and go to med , and we don't need to explain why, it's "leave blank", there is no need to spare the room for those words that can let readers to supplement, also when eric in, "our" reaction is completely useless, too old plot.

Dev, the 1.1 is good but Not good as 1.0, the talking in Dining hall seems too much , actually Just mention few words is enough.  It seems Reduces gameplay but doesn't say anything that actually matters

coooooool!!!! my daydreaming also serious, it's kind of immersing.

plus, I love Evan and kent.

the game is so cool, there is a story line while still ensuring gameplay--sex,  but I suggest handcuffs can be smaller and fit for wrist, hands position more natural. 

Wish I can get visa  few months later that I can support you.