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A member registered Jun 20, 2015 · View creator page →

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haha, thank you, I'm glad you liked it ☺️

I love the atmosphere you guys managed to achieve. Great job!

A very atmospheric game. I love it. <3

Really liked the interpretation of the theme for this one. It does get a little fiddly at times trying to line things up but I managed to clear the 3 levels after a while. Maybe it would feel less fiddly if the levels were more puzzle like instead of free-form. Love the little face on the player block. :]

Fun game. Pretty hard right off the bat? Love the chicken sound effect.

Hi! Thanks for playing. Great feedback, will consider it for future projects. :)

Thanks for playing! We were aiming for a slower more puzzle-game like experience but maybe we overdid it. :)

Cool game. Would have liked my answers to have had a bigger impact (or felt like they had a bigger impact). I love the atmosphere!

fun game, would have liked a difficulty curve though. :P

Wow, really great. Not sure how you managed all that in so little time. Good job!

I really liked it. It has one of those "just one more try" kinds of gameplay.

I like the way "monsters" run away after being in the light and the theme combination. It would be interesting if one could either plant/harvest _or_ use the flashlight. make the battery run out so you have to manage a energy resource. (potato battery flashlight?)