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A member registered Apr 08, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for your feedback, it really opened my eyes to the game design and the difficluty of the game.

The movement is hella buggy, sadly I did not have enough time to iron out the kinks. It was my first attempt at a bit more complicated 3D movement. 

The rewind feature was there just because I wanted to make it a bit harder. I thought the game was too easy and pretty short, so I thought adding a rewind feature would extend the replayability effect (But I guess not XD).

I know there are many glitches with the movment. I did not have enough time to iron out the kinks, sorry about that.

I should have clarified the movement a bit more my bad.

You can jump by pressing space while running.


  • Movment - WSAD
  • Jumping - Spacebar
  • Sliding - Holding ctrl while moving

I'm sorry you couldn't get the game to load. It was really only tested on Windows. I throw the Linux and macOS version there without even testing them. Now I see I should have tested them.

You can slide by running and holding the Ctrl key. And you can perform a wall run by jumping into a wall and holding W with A or D, depends on which side the wall is.

I'm sorry you couldn't enjoy the game. I hope you will give it one more try.