I must confess to being a little disappointed that the story doesn't extend beyond the introduction and contract. All the fun stuff in a story like this happens after that.
The setup is nice, though, and I think if you continue this it could be a really good game. I sincerely hope you keep working on it or that when you do continue it, I don't entirely forget about it as I tend to do.
Great concept. Good writing. Very descriptive and excellent use of music and audio to set the mood. To a small degree it makes me think of Lost Odyssey's A Thousand Years of Dreams and how whenever you unlock a memory in Kaim's past, you would get these visually simple and blurred, but still quite beautiful backgrounds and sounds and music would play as you progressed. It was just enough to help keep your attention and your game does some of that. I think it's something more text-based games should really consider. Atmosphere is everything.
Good luck and I hope to hear from you again! Kudos on the interesting prologue and the massive amount of choice given. I'll keep this save somewhere I can see it often to remind me to come back someday.