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A member registered Aug 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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You can download and listen to my music, but please notify me before using it in commercial projects.
(2 edits)
Development has been temporarily stopped due to difficulties with the introduction of multiplayer. Yes, the main idea is player-to-player combat with Dark Souls-like combat, but since I'm developing one, I need help. At the moment, I'm still composing music for games, who are interested in listening or want to add tracks to the game - please familiarize yourself with my audio base
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Hi friends! Enjoy for my atmospheric sounds!!

My actual track =)

I write music in styles close to synthwave, which is saturated with my special vision! Space melodies prevail and the original harmony will not leave the listener indifferent !!


Contacts - e-mail:

(1 edit)

Hello everyone, Gentlemen, I'm showing you an indie game, a development diary, etc.)

Do not judge strictly, this is my first project =) And I don't understand programming at all)

And at the same time I apologize for the bad English, since this is not my native language =В

And immediately I warn you that you can ALREADY try the layout)

The idea of the game - you choose a gladiator, and several players meet in the arena for life and death. The concept is ready, there are many mechanics that are being implemented, some of them are the mechanics of armor, bleeding and, of course, stamina, then pumping the gladiator (if he did not die, these are permanent losses).

And no censorship is planned either, this is an arena, no mercy! = D

-=- - - - - - - = -- - - - - - - = = - -- - - - - - - = = -- - - - -  = = - -- - - - - - = = = - - -- - - 

Well, these are far-reaching plans, which we will strive for as far as possible - or maybe I'll give up some mechanics because they are unnecessary)) we'll see)

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Each fighter differs in his fighting style, amount of stamina, vitality and other points inherent in a normal fighting game. But the most important thing is that you do not sit and watch how your fighters fight, but take control into your own hands.

What have I done so far 09/07/2020?

1. Drawn and designed the title screen and embodied (finally!) The choice of the character)

I warn you - there will be more than three of them) Just so far, for a change, I have made very different fighters straight from each other)

2. Worked on the balance - what is it? Now the fighters really differ from each other, try how much) I also voiced a little more varied so that they did not shout in the same voice) And added the Roar of the crowd, as a kind person suggested to me, under the previous post)

3. The sand is now not so bright (I did not finish work on it, I just made it a little nicer for the eyes!) Also on the advice from the comments)

4. Well, a lot of other little things, I don't remember much what is there)

And also introduced the mechanics of "second wind" =)

- - - - - - - - = = = = - - - - - - - - - - = = = = =- - - - - - - - - - = = = = = - - - - - - - - - = = = = - - - - - 

What do I plan to do next? -

1. I will try to cut down the Boss (so that the thought with the arena looks more or less complete), namely this will be the Roman legionary, I will try to write him a different intellect, smarter than the rest (after all, in those days the soldiers were well drilled, half of the world was almost conquered))

2. I will make the arena more interesting (I will add the audience, flying apples and olives = D)

3. I will work on physics, look at the lessons - I want to add some physical objects)

4. And I will also look at the lessons on how to make a merged screen for two players (I do not climb into multiplayer, for me this is a dense forest, complete zero)

- - - - - - -

Actually, my long post is over, see you, friends!) And positive emotions !!

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Всем доброго дня, Господа! На дворе уже 24.08.2020

Пишу о процессе разработки в комменты  )

Итак). Послушал я Ваши советы и некоторые воплотил в проекте за это время - думаю, что неплохо постарался, хоть и не все сделал, что было сказано выше )

То есть как минимум, у песка прибрал контрастность, чтобы глаза остались на месте =D

И противников постарался разнообразить) Не только количеством но и интеллектуально) Хотя мне еще далеко до такого словосочетания - сплошные скрипты)

И в целом, забалансил все по чуть чуть...

- - - - -

Сейчас - сделаю упор над наполнением сцены, Depth систему настрою чуть лучше, расширю арену и поставлю коллайдеры, чтобы не было возможности выбегать в чистилище =D (окружение и звуки, имхо, не менее важны и формируют общее настроение, наполняя геймплей красками) и параллельно думаю, как реализовать персонажей, подконтрольных для игрока -

1! Либо менюшку сделать с доступными на выбор бойцами,

2! Либо при начале игры выдавать бойца рандомно) Все таки элемент лотереи может частично, но понятное дело, искусственно увеличить реиграбельность)

Я из тех людей (лентяев = D ), который лучше обдумает, соберет фидбэк от Вас, (да, немного этим затянет дело), но не будет совершать ненужных шагов, чтобы не жалко было выбрасывать наработки)

PS. И не забываю обновлять , можете АБСОЛЮТНО БЕСПЛАТНО скачать новую версию и попробовать макет)

26.08.2020 - Ошибка, которая вылетала через раз после гибели игрового персонажа больше нет)