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A member registered Aug 29, 2019

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Music won't play for me, game slowly begins to lag over time which I need to close and reopen the game to make it good again, and random crashing. Beyond that when it is working it's a pretty solid game with nice tight controls. I didn't even know this game had music in it till I saw a video of someone else play it so ya.

Can't say the name because Youtube will ban him. Just be happy he shared it in the first place. Dude is already bending the rules a bit far when it comes to Youtube videos. I know his last channel was killed because of it when he just did speedruns all day. If anything throw hate on Youtube for not sticking to real adult tags.

I never played the game sadly but regardless of what project you are doing I still wish to hype you up on it. Always be trying and you will gain a community that supports you. Believe in we that believes in you!

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Let us motivate you! I am willing to spend time in my day to give you my energy! We must make a horny spirit bomb together!

There is only gay, I like gay but we also got the gummy bunnies. Why no segs the gummy bunnies? Not even some soft vore? Can we at least pet them or something? We need the funny gummy segs.

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Oh ya, the art stile reminds me of a DS game Mario and Donkey Kong Mini-land Mayhem. Really cool design choice.

This game has so much potential. I saw this game a bunch but never really gave it a shot but today that changed. I kinda hate that I had my expectations very high sense the second I saw this game all I could imagine is how interesting, fun, and lewd it might be. The game as is, is pretty simple and I can't hate it for that. I'll be fully honest with my expectations sense I really love what was presented here.

For starters I think what really pulled me back was how the game play went. Even though the game looks very lovely if this was a full game I would be brain rotting from how slow or small things in the game would be eating away at me over time. For example when it comes to crouching and standing you are put into such a long animation before you can start moving. Then for other stuff the fact that you can die by having your head touch the roof makes no sense to me. I know it's small but it makes it hard to sell home the character your playing as when something like this can happen. Especially when the character you are playing as, a slime monster, doesn't have anything to really give off the fact that it is what it is.

It might just be me but I was really looking forward to interesting character mechanics. The limitless potential in playing a slime in any game is always a hook for me. You never know if you might have skills to swing from walls with long slime libs, scale any surface, squeeze though then or normally impossible places, duplication, body stealing, endless different forms to take, the list goes on. I do understand that this game is a very simple puzzle platformer but with how good this game looked I was at least hoping for a fun and responsive feel when controlling the slime beast. The rest of what I would want to say would just loop back to this game just being super short lived. I really do wish there was more not only of just the game it self but what could be done with it both large and subtle details.

100/100 on the world building. It has me very interested on the context of everything going on. All without needing to hold your hand too much or it exposition dumping in mid gameplay, it was subtle and well placed.

God please forgive us and our child that is the ai.

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I been avoiding this game for a bit and I can't remeber the fist time i seen this. The last thing I remeber was the cat lady (neko), slime girl, and a bee of some kind. I don't know where or what the "cannon release date" is but right now I am trying out this game in 1/8/2020 and currently 19 of age. I been hearing a lot of possitive talk about this game with my weired internet furry friends and I finally chose this day to try the game out. I didn't expect a charater to be close to around the same age as me, that is if the "release date" is around Jun 20, 2019. Ara the neko would be older then me by a few mouths (that's if we are not including to dates in game), close tho. I'm still not sure if Jun 20, 2019 would be considered the cannon release date. I fill like this was created much sooner then that. Anyways, besides that I haven't gotten far in the game but it seems really amazing. I'm taking a college class on 3D moddling and seeing how clean this game plays is blowing my mind. This is the first 3D envirnment game that didn't make my pc drop frams. Even the characters look amazing and clear. I wouldn't mind following this project though and see how well it turns out. Hope the hard work is being payed off like it should because this looks like a gem for sure.