Update fixes this. Thank you again for reporting the bug!
Lutholian Dev
Creator of
Recent community posts
As for character creation, I haven't been able to reproduce the reported bug. When you change races and sex certain character features will reset if they aren't congruent with those of the selected race or sex. For instance, if you choose to be very tall then swap to the goblin race, your height will be reset. Similar things occur with some skin tones, and some body parts when swapping gender. Do you think it may have been that?
Managed to reproduce and fix the item pickup issue.
For now images will mostly be things like UI buttons (in the save menu, for instance) or backgrounds like you can see in most of the game. It would be great to have character portraits and the like! But I'm not an artist, I can't do it. I would love to hire or commission an artist to do such work if the game is successful enough to allow it, but it'll be a while I think before that could ever be possible.
Android support would be nice to implement at some point, but at this time I would prefer to focus more on building up the game.
I'm not making any promises, especially not about anything happening anytime close to soon, but yes, mobile support is something that I would like for the game eventually.