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A member registered Jul 08, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much for the feedback!! The sound notes are very helpful for future projects - all the sound & music for this game were made in the final 24 hours before we submitted, and we don't have an actual composer or sound designer on the team, so they are a little lacking X) I do love the pews though, they make me laugh!

The notes on speed are good, I'm not a  particularly fast clicker so I didn't try spamming while playing, but it makes sense that that would make the game easier! Enemies die in one hit, so if they're still there you haven't hit them yet - but we have gotten feedback from several people that a way to trace your shots would be helpful, so if we continue working on the game past basic bug fixes it'll absolutely be something we consider. Thank you again, and I'm glad you enjoyed! :D

All enemies except the final boss should die in one hit I believe, so if they're still there, you haven't hit them yet. Good note on the unlimited sprint, it would def be fun to make the game a bit more challenging with more complex mechanics! Thank you so much for the feedback & I'm glad you enjoyed the game!! :D

Hi! I totally understand the struggle - the game is much easier with a mouse, if you’re currently playing on trackpad. (Once I swapped from trackpad to mouse I beat it on my first attempt, in under 5 minutes!) 

The way the enemies work is that they approach you and fire once they spot you, but they’ll stop firing if their line of sight is broken for a few seconds - hide behind a building and they’ll turn away & continue roaming. (The rocks currently don’t have collision, which will likely be patched after the jam!) They also die in one hit, but I believe the player’s firing range may be a bit shorter than the enemies, so I do agree it’s hard to tell when you’re getting hits in! We did plan for the enemies to flash red when hit & then disappear in a puff of smoke, but we sadly didb’t have time to implement it. There also is a final boss that shows up when you defeat a certain number of enemies, although I don’t know exactly what the number is. 

Overall, this is all really helpful criticism for how to continue to move forward with this game and / or future projects, so thank you so so much for the feedback!! :D

The pew pew sound effects always make me laugh tbh :). I would like to see either the player have a clearer range limit or the enemies have a shorter firing range as well, but our main priority for the jam was just pushing the game! We may make some minor changes to the mechanics in the future, but I don't believe it's our #1 priority post-jam. Either way, thank you so much for the feedback!! :D

We really appreciate that, we worked hard on the art and theming! The main purpose of the buildings in the environment is to hide behind them to avoid enemy fire, I'd recommend taking it slow & hiding more if you're having trouble! (I will note that the rocks don't currently have collision, which is a bug we'll likely fix after the jam. The game is also MUCH harder on trackpad, try a mouse if you can!) Thank you so much for the feedback!! :)

Thank you so much for the feedback!! Our original concept for the game was a child playing pretend at recess & shooting imaginary cowboys with finger guns & sticks, and the idea of using imagination as the player's main power stuck around even after we moved away from that concept. That's also where the pew pew sound effect stemmed from! But that line is also up to the player's interpretation - maybe it IS a dream (or a nightmare, if you played on trackpad like i did) X)

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Thank you so much! The end screen was super fun & was actually the last art piece made for the whole project :) Our goal was just to finish the game in time, but if we continue to work on it after the jam, a 3D shader & some minor bug fixes would be the first changes I'd like to see implemented! Thank you so much for the feedback :D

My IRL friends actually said the same thing about the real funs, lol. I'd love to expand on this concept in the future but as Kyomi said, our main goal for this jam was just to make a finished & playable game! Thank you so much for the feedback :)

Wonderful work from you all, thanks for linking me to the game! I am unfortunately terrible at platformers so I could only play for a few minutes, but the art direction is incredibly well done and the movement is super enjoyable, and it overall seems like an incredibly polished game, even if it WASN'T under a deadline. In 2 weeks for all of this is wild! I really like Zero's design and character as well - great work from your whole team! 

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What a fun game, thanks for sending it to me! The art style is very charming and reminds me a lot of the early 2010s, and the main character's lack of empathy for his coworkers was super interesting to me - very characteristic of apocalypse horror. I also really loved how you programmed the credits screen, and the ASDF control scheme!

(My biggest note is that the main character says he's on the second floor, then goes up the stairwell for 3 or 4 floors before exiting on the first floor - which isn't a big note at all, but I figured I should point it out!)

What a delightful game!  The art style drew me in immediately, and the gameplay and sound effects are a nice mix of fun / cute and chaotic! Nice work :) My only note is that some of the controls aren't very intuitive compared to the controls on a lot of other games (I'd personally prefer if spacebar and LMC were switched), but that's a very minor note! ^_^

Said this on the Discord as well, but awesome work! The graphics look incredibly polished and the mechanics are very unique within the context of the jam, great game overall :]