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A member registered Jan 21, 2016 · View creator page →

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Yes. Your saves are stored in your AppData, so it'll be automatically picked up by any version.

As regularly as I have stuff to release. I aim for once a week but it really depends.

(1 edit)

Here you go!

Your save data is stored in the user AppData folder, so just run the new version and itll pick up your previous save.

Sure, drop me a message on discord

I'm glad you've enjoyed!

On the topic of buffs, it is a tricky one. There is a very wide variety between ones that stack, ones that are permanent, ones that stack in duration, etc etc. Currently, the only things that stack in intensity are ones that say 'per stack' after the stat. I know that isn't super obvious on the ones that don't do that (as it doesn't say anything like 'not per stack'), but it's hard to find a place in the UI for such a message.

I will look into ways to make this clearer however. Cant say when I will have a solution though.

Did you maybe restart the game during the tutorial? Something like this was reported by someone on the discord after doing that.

If so, you will have to make a new character, and play through the whole tutorial before closing the game (about 15mins).

If it happened without you closing, do say and try to detail the steps you did so I can try to replicate it.

Good spot on Versatile Blood, will fix.

And the Animated Stitches will be getting a rework in the next month or so, so they are not a good example to test against for now.

Your save will be automatically picked up and updated to the new version.

In 0.4.5 you can now increase the font size. It will cause some clipping in particular areas of the game, but it should hopefully make it more playable for you.

You can find backups of your saves in AppData\Roaming\AscendFromNineMountains\saveBackups, transfer that to your other machine and in the continue menu there will be a button to restore from those backups.

This bug is now fixed in 0.4.2

Right, that does sound like a bug. Shall fix

It is now out (a good chunk of it anyway). Hope you enjoy!

That bug should now be fixed in 0.3.12

I have increased the text size a bit. Is it better? Or is it still too small?

(1 edit)

Does this link work?

Just download the latest version (currently 0.2.0, but check the main page), extract the zip, and run the exe in the folder within.

(3 edits)

There is now:

Sadly the game needs OpenGL 2.0 at a minimum, your machine only has 1.1, so it won't work. Sorry about that!

So it looks like you are running it on a graphics card that doesn't support OpenGL 2.0+. There's two possible solutions:

Firstly update your graphics drivers. This may in some rare cases fix it.

Second solution is to attempt to force the game to use software rendering. I've uploaded a new build called ASkinOfOther-SoftwareRenderingTest that does this, could you download it and tell me how it is? I cannot test software rendering as I have no devices without shader support.

Hope it works!

Oh no! Thats a pain!

Could you run it from the command line (Shift + right click, Open Command Window here, java -jar ASkinOfOtherxxx.jar). That should display any errors thats making it crash on startup.