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Mackerel Sky

A member registered Nov 26, 2022 · View creator page →

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Hi there, thanks for playing and giving such detailed feedback! I'll go through your ideas below:

- Number stats: I agree it's probably not ideal, they are quite arbitrary and aren't specifically calibrated to aircraft performance. I will see how I can improve this UI in the future, though I can't guarantee I can make it work.

- Balance tweaks: The next iteration of ASE will have some balance considerations built in regarding how many weapons you are able to take and the amount of ammo available. Multirole aircraft will be able to take a greater variety of weapons, but less ammunition overall.

- The gun has just received an aiming rework to make it much more accurate. Hopefully this makes it easier to use. I think the damage tuning is about where I want it, but if you want more, some aircraft will have gunpods which fire together with the internal gun, so you can deal several times the damage!

- Bomb markers probably will remain 2D for now, I would like a bit more realism to the HUD and it would be annoying to program...

- The D-Pad in ASE is reserved for selecting and calling in allied support. There are only two missions with this in the current demo, but in the full release it will be a much more prominent feature. I will also limit non-multirole aircraft to 3 weapons overall (multiroles get 4), so it should not be too much of a hassle switching weapons. I'll see what I can do on the HUD end though.

Thank you for playing! The next iteration of ASE that I'm working on includes a total rewrite of the flight model. I think it is easier to tell the different characteristics of each aircraft with the new model.

Thank you for playing! Unfortunately, I don't think it would be a good idea to enable landing anywhere due inconsistent terrain collision. There's also not enough buttons on the controller to separate landing gear and flares when not within the vicinity of an airport...

Hi buddy, thanks for trying. Did you have issues navigating the menus or was it more once you were in the mission? Did you try the simplified 'pointer' mode you can access from options? It is designed for keyboard and mouse controls. 

(1 edit)

Hey buddy, thanks for giving it a go! I'm really glad you enjoyed the demo and thanks for pointing out the bugs! Some of them were left in the demo because I just couldn't be bothered fixing them at the time, others are news to me so I'll take a look while I continue overhauling the game. Some of the feedback you had on mechanics have been addressed as part of this overhaul, such as the camera zoom, others I agree need attention like the gun indicator and missile tracking. I'll make sure to give them another pass as part of the overhaul process.

Fixed! It'll go in with the next patch.

Thanks buddy, just tested and confirmed on my end. I have a hotfix in the works so will include this in the patch!

Hey buddy, thanks for giving it a go! Great to see that you like the project so far. Regarding the handling, have you tried limiting speed to the ACM speed window? I tried to put more influence on speed management by penalising mobility at high speeds and giving bonuses within the ACM window. For aircraft like the F/A-18, NRP-20 and I-21, double-tapping and holding brake should also enable supermaneuverability mode which might help in giving that feeling of inertia you're chasing!

Hey buddy, I've given this a quick google and it looks like this is a windows error related to file permissions. You can try running the extractor (I recommend winRAR) with admin permissions and/or extracting to a different folder location with different security settings. See this link:

I believe I've fixed this bug just now. It'll ship in the next update.

(1 edit)

Hey buddy, thanks for reporting. I'll take a look and see if I can fix it for the next release! Is the in-game UI OK?

Hey buddy, thanks for playing! I've confirmed this bug on my end as well. The game currently doesn't let you rebind to a key/button that's already bound, but what you can do to get around this at the moment is to rebind the action you want to change to a random key to the keyboard, then rebind the actual action. I'll see if I can fix it in the next patch.

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Hey buddy, the latest version of the game has 3 playable aircraft.  The next patch will expand this to 5.

Please keep in mind all aircraft right now are using placeholder assets!

Hey buddy, I do plan on adding HOTAS support but it'll be later down the line. Thanks for checking it out!

Hey buddy, thanks for playing! Sorry for not getting back to you earlier, I was overseas and away from my computer. 

The reason why those planes aren't playable at the moment is because their 3D models don't have moving control surfaces. That is, they're just a solid block, so I can't animate them properly. Since I don't know how to use blender or anything, I have to try my luck with whatever models I can get my hands on legally.

More aircraft are coming in the next patch, though!

(1 edit)

Hey buddy, thanks for trying! I tried to differentiate ASE a little bit from AC with the throttle - you're supposed to stay in the ACM window for dogfighting and general combat which is why the throttle is manually set, but you can play it perfectly fine AC style by double tap-and-holding the throttle keys.

Regarding the missile switching, unfortunately the D-pad is reserved for an upcoming mechanic, but I'm thinking of actually limiting weapon selection to 3 selectable options for a future balance pass. I think this would hopefully strike a balance between the multi-weapon loadout people want, and encouraging players to try out different planes. Hopefully this will also make swapping weapons a little less tedious too, but I guess we'll see how it's received.

Hey buddy, thanks for trying it out. I've never touched Linux before so I'm not sure what could be causing it. Maybe it's something I can explore porting to in a future version! 

Hey buddy, thanks for the comment. I'm back in force now, and actually just finished a first pass on the general setting and concept because I've been able to get a dialogue system up and running - I'll include a bit of an overview in the next update post. There's still a bit more stuff I want to add in before 0.08a, but hopefully I'll be able to figure it out soon! 

Hey buddy, 

I think I might have finally cracked this bug in 0.07c. Give it a go if you have some time!

Okay, leave it with me. This is the first time I've come across this issue and nobody else has reported something like this, so it might take a while and I'm not sure if I can fix it - it could be something wrong with the game or something wrong with your hardware.

If you haven't already I would try disconnecting the controller when you use keyboard to see if there is any weird input signal from your controller that is overriding things. Of course please also make sure your drivers are up to date for both controller and keyboard. 

All good - just need a bit more information to start investigating this. Does using the main menu work consistently or is it all menus that you've accessed so far? It sounds like it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. I am assuming you've tried to press ESC in the hangar to finish selecting missiles as well?

I'll also need what sort of keyboard, stick and controller you're using and your computer specs.

I will be also pushing a hotfix for an unrelated issue shortly, maybe you can see if it also fixes your problem.

Hey buddy, sorry to hear that. Did you click or move the mouse before using the controller or keyboard? Does it happen consistently?

Hey buddy, thanks for the feedback! I'm currently juggling a few other things for work and study, but don't intend to stop working on this for the forseeable future. I'm also dealing with some particularly digusting AI rewrites which broke a lot of things so the next update might take a little longer than usual in coming out. That said, I don't make any guarantees that I'll ever finish, but I definitely will try my best.

Re; your side note, I think the best advice I could give you is to think about what building blocks you need to make whatever game you're planning. Then break each block into more blocks. Keep breaking blocks until you know exactly what you need to do next (probably look up some tutorials), then prioritise the most important ones.

If you are completely new, I recommend starting off with a few sandbox projects and very, very small things to get your head around how C# works and what sorts of tools it gives you. I learned from scratch using youtube tutorials like Brackeys, CodeMonkey and BlackThornProd who do some nice beginner material.

Hey, thanks for checking it out! There are 2 real save points in the demo, one in the forest and one in the town (the camera things). I didn't specifically call them out, but I hope they were obvious if you passed by them. Did you find using them intuitive? I'll try adding an additional save point in the valley and also have a NPC give you a bit of a tutorial in the next patch.

Sable Hearts community · Created a new topic Next Update
(14 edits)

This post will track the new features, fixes and content I'm working on right now, before they get included in an actual update note.

Next patch: 0.04a

Content & Features

  • New area of the Kopr Forest 

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the Saleno Bookstore quest failing to remove books from your story inventory upon completing quest
  • Fixed Slime Boss's house's books failing to give you an item  upon picking it up
  • Fixed Poff's animations not correctly playing if it was shot after taking off
Sable Hearts community · Created a new topic Bug Thread

If you have a bug to report, please do so in the comments below with the following information:

  1. Title/subject
  2. Detailed description of the bug
  3. Replication instructions
  4. Pictures/videos, if applicable

If I can't replicate the bug correctly, I might need a debug log, which can be found at AppData\LocalLow\Mackerel Sky\Sable Hearts\Player.txt. I'll let you know if I need it, though.