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A member registered Apr 20, 2016 · View creator page →

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Oh wow! Thanks for playing and the thorough feedback. I think you are spot on in your observations, especially regarding the wizard and limited opportunities for deck building. The game was made as part of a 2 week jam, so unfortunately fine-grained deck management wasn’t possible to implement in the timeframe. If we continue development, I’ll be sure to take what you have said into account. 


Oh wow! ThreeJS. Very impressive

The real history of the world the mainstream media doesn't want you to know about

Hey! I've got a small team looking for an audio person. I'd say we'll mostly need  thematically appropriate background music, but also some sound effects. Add me on discord if you're interested and I'll give you some more details. Thanks!


Hey Rhonda! We're looking for an artist. I've sent you an email with the details, but let me know if you don't get it

I'm a programmer. Theme allowing, I'm thinking about doing something like a very narrow vertical slice of the card game from Inscryption set in a popup book (keep expectations low). I was just going to use placeholder art but if you want to get involved I'm sure it would turn out a billion times better. 

Definitely fits the theme :D

I thought this was a really solid exploration of the theme. Easy to understand, difficult to master