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A jam submission

ChronosView game page

Submitted by Retro pigeon — 36 minutes, 44 seconds before the deadline
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Ranked from 44 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Starting game dev at year 12 is impressive. Though this might make you a zombie in the future. Be warned. lol
I think the game is not bad. Good job.


Thanks for the encouragement! I think I spend too much time at the computer :)


Great game! Impressed that you have created everything yourselves, good job!


Thanks! We used Three.js for the 3d rendering part.


Fun gameplay, would love a mute/volume botton. Love the visuals, and level design. Music choice is also very cool. <3 


Thanks for the feedback! The music was driving us nuts when we would reload it every second or so!


Very cool game! It is super original, it almost remind me of one of the classic Spyro games, I used to play as a child. I love the aesthetics of the environment and the models, they were very cute.

Well done! :-)


Thanks for playing!


Very nice game, congratulations!




Nice job! I think it was very ambitious to make a gam in 3d space and you pulled it off quite nicely! Camera controls are a little rough but work. In the first level the darkness makes it a little hard. Keep it up!


Thanks for the feedback! It was a risk making a 3d game, but it worked out!

Submitted (1 edit)

Really well done for your age, loads of great ideas and methods you used and the surprisingly good use of cinematic information when the bridge appeared was very effective.
At first I didn't notice the last coin in the middle of the trees and went trying to parkour the mountain via anvil, forge, tree mountain step 1 and 2 then fell off :D

I salute you!
In your age I was just dreaming of making a game, you damned be went and did it!

Keep at it, you've got what it takes.


Thanks for playing! Even I dreamed making video games, but now I'm doing it!


Making a game for a jam at 12 year old is insane, well done you and your dad!


Thanks! The learning process was hard at first but it payed off!


thank you for your feedback!!! 


Good job on this entry. The graphics look nice and the sound is cool. I like the particle effects when the player is leaping. The leaping made it difficult to control sometimes, because I fell outside trying to catch a coin, but it was fun non the less. I guess the flying tackle will be useful later in the game.

I didn’t find the last coin, and I think I explored the complete map.


Thanks for playing! As for the coin, we had some problems with it, we don't currently know what is causing this strange behavior.


Tried your game! It was really unique for sure! I had some problems with movement sometimes (my character started to jump while attacking and I fell off a bunch of times), but this didn’t stopped me for enjoying this game. Congratulations!


Thanks for the feedback! Glad you had fun!


The game is really good visually, and i love the polish and attention to detail to all of the actions the player makes.

I do think that the control scheme could be worked on as right now the tank controls make it difficult to control the player which sometimes makes the more challenging sections quite frustrating. Having a dedicated jump button, full 360 control with WASD and more granular control of the players movement would have improved the game in my opinion

Even so, its a really good game overall, one of the strongest submissions I've seen so far


Thanks for the feedback! We will improve our controls!


The idea was good, but the gameplay was a bit frustrating. And the audio was good, maybe not always fitting with the scene. There were some bugs here and there(Like not being able to find all 10 coins from the start). The graphics were good. Sorry if I sound harsh just trying to be helpful. Good job though keep it up!


You're not harsh, that's just good feedback! Thanks for playing!


the bug of no fining 10 coins you mean that you don't find 10 just 1 or 2 or 8? I don't know what you mean.. 


For some reason, it didn’t start on Firefox, but seems to work fine in Chrome. I like the idea and sound design (especially clock tower level), but I find it very hard to navigate: camera pans very slowly, often view gets occluded by buildings, can’t go backwards so every mistake has to be corrected by slowly turning back. I think the game could be greatly improved by adjusting controls and camera.


Thanks for the feedback! We're pretty new in the 3d universe, so we still have a lot to improve.


A very nice and well made game. For simplicity I will mention the good and bad parts below.

The good parts:

1. The game is very well made.

2. The audio feedback is very well planned and realized (perhaps less so the introduction part with Chronos, which could be heard as if the song kept repeating itself in a loop, but otherwise each level has its own song and the character makes sounds when move or attack and that makes the game fantastic).

3. The UI is perfect, this is especially noticeable during dialogues (I also like that when you start a dialogue with an NPC and if you try to move too far away from him, he will not continue talking until you are at a reasonable distance from him).

4. The graphics of the game are well done and the atmosphere as well.

5. The transition from one level to another is incredibly beautiful (if you can tell me how you did it, if you did it yourself).

The bad parts:

1. The control is unique, but at the same time difficult (it was difficult for me to move by jumping, especially in the level with obstacles).

2. I didn't quite understand how the attack works. When I had to obtain the sword, I tried to attack an enemy who was shooting at me, but after I jumped towards him, he didn't seem to be affected). The fact that you can attack with the "Space" key didn't really help me in killing it,so I used the attack more when I wanted to move faster.

3. I think it's a problem with collisions, because on the very first level when I had to collect 10 coins, I pressed "Space" while I was near to the mountain and the character got stuck in it. Lucky that I managed to escape by spam the "Space" key. Also, in the level with obstacles I noticed several problems, for example with the red moving platform, if you stayed on it after it went away from your feets, the character no longer falls. (I noticed many other problems, but unfortunately I don't have the opportunity to list them all).

Otherwise the game was very good. It is a unique game in my opinion and I really liked it.


Thanks for all of the great feedback that you provided. The pendulum transition is in our SceneManager. The Transition part is made of a line and a circle that moves from left to right and then we draw a filled polygon that covers the existing scene. When the scene is covered we change the scene behind and then we move the line and circle back and the filled polygon is going back. You can view the code if you go into dev tools. have also added the exact part that you are interested here: 

static DrawTransition(context) {
        context.fillStyle = "#660066";
        context.moveTo(0, 0);
        if (SceneManager.ballX <= Game.Canvas.width / 2) {
            // If pendulum is on left side of screen, fill only above the pendulum
            context.lineTo(SceneManager.pivotX, 0);
            context.lineTo(SceneManager.pivotX + Math.sin(SceneManager.theta) * 2 * SceneManager.L, SceneManager.pivotY + Math.cos(SceneManager.theta) * 2 * SceneManager.L);
            context.lineTo(0, SceneManager.pivotY + Math.cos(SceneManager.theta) * 2 * SceneManager.L);
            context.lineTo(0, 0);
        } else {
            context.lineTo(SceneManager.pivotX, 0);
            context.lineTo(SceneManager.pivotX + Math.sin(SceneManager.theta) * 2 * SceneManager.L, SceneManager.pivotY + Math.cos(SceneManager.theta) * 2 * SceneManager.L);
            context.lineTo(Game.Canvas.width, Game.Canvas.height);
            context.lineTo(0, Game.Canvas.height);
            context.lineTo(0, 0);
        // Draw pendulum
        context.fillStyle = "#ff0066";
        context.arc(SceneManager.ballX, SceneManager.ballY, SceneManager.ballRadius, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
        context.strokeStyle = "#ff0066";
        context.lineWidth = 5;
        context.moveTo(SceneManager.pivotX, SceneManager.pivotY);
        context.lineTo(SceneManager.ballX, SceneManager.ballY);

Thanks for the response :


Pretty impressive game, but I couldn't find the 10th coin! The graphics and animations are very impressive, but for me the music didn't quite fit 


Thanks for the feedback! 3 coins are on the river, 3 on the little bridge, 2 around Olympus, 1 around the small mountain and 1 behind the trees near the blacksmith. 


Really nice game but quite hard, I was blocked at 9 coins for a while until I reloaded the game and found all 10 quickly so maybe something is up there but could be me, a checkpoint somewhere in the clock tower would have been nice too. Very nice sound design also, well done!


Thanks for playing! The clock tower is hard, even I had trouble beating it!


The game music and environment match very well, I really like it.




Nice idea bringing some mythology into play :) The camera could follow the character movement a little bit faster, I got myself waiting for it to arrive to my player before moving again. And yes, it is very difficult. But I understand it is hard to dose the difficulty with so little time :P


Thanks! There was some research (Olympus is not in the Athens! and The Parthenon is not in the clouds...) The camera movement was one of the trickiest bit to make and it could've been better (zooming, camera angle, panning and other cinematic effects).


really impressive. Lovely 3D worlds. Nice music!




Awesome intro! Chronos is badass and the intro made me excited about beating him. I like the audio too. Well done!


Thanks! BTW ChatGPT improved the script and Chronos dialog (more of a monologue) greatly.

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