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A member registered Sep 26, 2016 · View creator page →

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Thank you. I'm really glad Bad Faith resonated with you...

Thank you!!

Thank you!!

Thank you!!

Thank you! I feel the same way too - I love studying people's favorites...

OH, that! Yes, Eve did find footage on her.

Thank you so much for the kind words on Bad Faith! Glad you had a good time with it, and that you enjoyed the main cast. :>

To answer your question, Magda did indeed visit the sacred building twice. The first time was in Act 1, where she goes outside and sees Nils' body. The second time was in the start of Act 2, where she returns and has a conversation with Nils.

Hope this helps!

Thanks so much! 

I'm glad Bad Faith could leave a strong impression on you, haha. The MagNil dynamic is, indeed, peak.

If you like what I did with this game, you might be interested in my current visual novel series; the Violence series!

Thanks so much! Glad you enjoyed Bad Faith.

Thank you! Please thank @radiostarkiller on Twitter for organizing this project - they made this all possible. :>

Thank you for enjoying Bad Faith! 

I'm glad Magda resonated with you too. :>

Thank you for the wonderful review! I loved reading your thoughts on all of the members of the Haven...

That comparison between Magda and Nils was especially lovely. I don't think I consciously made that connection while writing Bad Faith, but it is true: both of them were used and abused by people within the Haven, and they're rightfully hurt about it.

I hope Lilia can find peace in their new life too...

Thank you for playing through my game! I'm glad you recognized my writing style from the Violence series, haha - it makes me happy to see that I'm developing a distinct written voice.






You're spot on with your observations of Nils (from what we see of them) and of their and Magda's revenge against the Haven in Act 3. I did rush through Act 3 a bit, but if I were to remake Bad Faith now, I'd spend more time stewing in the second thoughts Magda had after killing the people who tormented her all her life.

And yes, the dissatisfaction with Nils and Magda's final relationship - the lack of certainty on where they'd go next as Lilia - was intentional on my part. ;> It's a mystery where they'll end up next... but as they are right now, they're not exactly in a great relationship.

Interesting... I didn't know that! I'll take it into consideration for my future works. 

Glad you're enjoying Bad Faith so far, though! Let me know what you think when you're done. :>

Thank you! I'm glad you liked the full game.

I'm in a much better place now than I was when I wrote Bad Faith, haha. Bad Faith's setting and premise is an extended metaphor for the community I was in and social experiences I had back in 2020 - but I'm far removed from that community now. 

If you're interested in other things I've made, may I recommend the Violence series? I think you'll enjoy it a lot: especially if you like sci-fi settings.

Thanks for your honest review, I appreciate it!








Looking back on it two years on... I also agree that Act 3 was the weakest of the game. I talk about it more in my retrospective, but by the time I was working on Act 3, I reached a "ceiling" with the game's story that I couldn't break through, so I wanted to just get it done. That's probably why it felt so rushed and disjointed compared to the rest of the game, haha. If I were working on Bad Faith now, I would've probably signaled Magda's heel turn more in Act 2. Maybe make her have smaller violent outbursts - something like that.

I'm glad you liked the first two acts though! I'm still quite proud of them and the tension they bring to the overall story.

Glad you're enjoying the game so far!

From my understanding, it's just an issue with the way Ren'Py loads text with thick outlines... It's nothing on your end.

Glad you enjoy it so far! I'm interested to hear your thoughts on the full story. :>

thank you for making this. 

the main character hit a raw nerve with me.  whether it was being a burden to their friends and family, not seeing a future for themselves, or seeing other game devs use the act as shock value or as a way to earn cheap sympathy for their blorbo.

i don't want to talk much about my own experiences (i'm going through something different as a dev), but this title made me feel less alone in the world. 

please take care of yourself.

short, sweet, and made me think a lot about my relationships online... 

the dialogue here is believable and charming - so hats off to that!  the visual direction is lovely too, esp with bitsy's many limitations as an engine. 

also, i was hit hard by the "going back to an old MMO" concept (i'm doing this right now with toontown of all games LOL so it spoke to me a lot)

Bingo! This is not a romance story.

beautiful and painful. this really hit a nerve with me (in a good way) - both as a vn developer/enjoyer and as someone who's struggling to find full-time work.

i loved seeing the little homages to tokyo necro and hatoful boyfriend (i think that's what 8rats was a play on?)... was not expecting that. it really made the lack of understanding from amy's coworkers (esp julie) all the more painful.

there's other stuff i could say too (the biting commentary on amy's cishet coworkers making a fire emblem-like with "better" queer rep used as a marketing ploy, the deep shame amy felt from her family when she couldn't find any work in her industry, et cetera...)

but i guess i'll just leave it with "thank you for making this". i'm not exactly like amy, but a lot of her experiences here really make me feel seen.

Thank you so much!! I'm very glad you enjoyed(?) your time with Bad Faith... ;w;

Thanks for the playthrough! o7 Glad you could play through Def Edition.


Thank you so much - I’m very glad you enjoyed both malViolence and protoViolence! 

Please look forward to protoViolence: Definitive Edition soon… I think it has some extra stuff you’ll like!


Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed protoViolence as much as you did. :>

Thanks for playing!

As for the stuff you mentioned (SPOILER WARNING):

  • By the time Cautionne's using a gun on you, you've already out-maneuvered several of his puzzle-related death traps. For him, it'd be pointless for him to use one at the end since you've proven you can avoid the rest of the traps.
  • Cautionne's hesitant with his gun because he's never handled a gun before (which he mentions in one of the endings where he kills you).
  • Cautionne isn't a nice person, but he's also a child who's grappling with grief and the trauma inflicted on him throughout his life. A lot of his mean behavior earlier in the game is because he's far away from you - so he feels comfortable talking down to you. When he physically faces you at the end, with a weapon he's not comfortable using - the weight of what he's doing properly sets in for him, hence why he acts a bit differently.
  • Likewise, because you're dealing with a traumatized child villain versus a grown adult like Dr. Danger, that's why you're hesitant to kill him in the Spare Ending. You don't care about the other endings - you're just doing your job.

Let me know what you think about protoViolence. I think you might like it more than malViolence since it's a kinetic novel.

Thank you! I'm very glad you like my little game, haha. ;w;

Thank you so much! Cautionne deserves all of the hugs...

Thank you!!! I hope you enjoy the full VN!

GAH I meant to post this earlier, but I did a playthrough of the Princess's route. I'm excited to get to the others eventually... beautiful writing and skin-crawling horror. Really enjoyed this experience so far!

Really enjoyed this little title! I also did a readalong stream of the entire game.

Thank you so much! I'm very, very glad protoViolence could leave an impact on you like this. ^u^

And please enjoy malViolence when you do come to it... It's a bit different, but I hope it leaves an impact on you too.

I need an extended Penny dating sim. I need her.

Thank you so much!

Thank you! Please look forward to it.

(1 edit)

Thank you so much for the kind words - and I'm glad protoViolence got a seal of approval from the World's Biggest Cyberpunk Fan! ;w;

The horror inherent in settings like these (as well as institutions like STOP) is something I really wanted to capture in protoViolence, so I'm glad it delivers on that front - especially since you haven't played malViolence (and many protoViolence players haven't played malViolence either!)

I hope you can play malViolence eventually - it has even more of the cyberpunk goodness that protoViolence has... with a puzzly twist. :>

Thank you for the incredibly kind words! ;_; 

I'm glad protoViolence left an impact on you from start to finish. Me and my team did the very best we could to make it an immersive storytelling experience - and I'm glad our efforts paid off for you.

Those moments you mentioned later in the game are some of my favorite too. I spent a lot of time getting those post-processing animations juuuuuuust right - and Adox's performance as Pavel in the last conversation between him and Dee was jaw-dropping in its intensity. 

I hope you can check out malViolence after this. There's a lot of love in that game too, haha...