Thanks, I've been putting a lot of work into the presentation of my games recently (as you can tell comparing with Glitch and Letters of War. I'm glad you like the look of it and I hope you like the gameplay. 😁
Mae Wilkes
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I'm not very good at the game so I didn't get very far and only played on easy, but...
It's a great idea and well-implemented. It's aesthetically sound, if a little simple (but only having 48hrs to make it is a great excuse). Not exactly the most original idea, but it certainly does have the out-of-control feeling. Although, I think I would have liked to see the aliens laid out similar to the QWERTY keyboard and slowly shift around as the game progresses.
Great concept and although the art is simple and childish, it has a certain charm to it.
However, the out of control nature of the gun has no impact on the gameplay except for defeating the boss. When every obstacle can simply be jumped over, the gun becomes unnecessary. Perhaps doors to shoot down or enemies which can't be vaulted over whould have made the gun more important to the gameplay.
Also, the boss seemed a little unfair with no way to predict the platforms to avoid its attacks. Maybe that's what you were going for but it just seemed a little cruel.
Other than that, I still played it and enjoyed it!
Nice idea for a game but I fail to see how it implements the theme...besides being too fast to think about.
The green and blue floors were a little difficult to differentiate and I wasn't sure if I should be switching to the colour of the dots or the floor. It also wasn't clear why I was falling through the floor. Was that the goal?
Great idea, poor execution. The ont-of-control concept was very-well implemented and the controls overlay and pick-ups were very easy to understand. However, it looked and felt like it needed another week of polishing the code and assets.
Also, unless I'm mistaken, there's absolutely no way to exit the game and the game openly mocks the player about that. Very poor design!