This "game" is awesome, Two requests here please:
01- the possibility to use multiples cpu and cpu threads.
When simulation in BATCHES is active you can run more simulations BATCHES per cpu core or using cpu mult threads to improve speed of simulation. my cpu has 16 threads and the current version is using only one.
the next one I don't know if is possible:
02- global online simulation, maybe this one is a little to much and it needs be a paid service
we can use a online server or another way to allow multiples computers or cell phones to improve and simulate the same creature, for example, I create a monster, upload this monster online or active a button "global online simulation" and any one can make a online simulation and continue the same evolution, not start another simulation but improve the same creature and the best fitness version will be selected, imagine 10000 simulations at once running in the world, could be a very nice addition, very complex I know...
BYE I love this "game"!!!