I am trying to get a creature that walks smoothly, but instead it only jumps like a frog, limps or"gallops like a horse".
Is there anyone who did better than me?
no i tryed a simple spider with 4 legs. total 8 muscles, very simetric and all legs the same size, i let evolving ultil 600 generation usng bunche of 200 (40 simulated per time), but always one of legs is used like a tail, and do not move, or some times its walk but in a wierd way, i tryed using big braim but nothing diferent,
when you make a creating try to imaging this creature in side view, not perspective ok is better, but i think this software need some more improves.
This was my best attempt:
I had 96 c/gen( a 48 per batch), 70 gens and the brain was on default settings.
I first disabled "keep best creatures" and had a high mutation rate, then after i got a first jumping creature i enabled "keep best creatures" and set mutaion rate to a low level to get more like him. After i got a bunch of creatures like him i set mutation rate to a higher level to get again a creature that was significantly better than the rest. After this i repeated to lower and raise the mutaion level.
It also can "walk" as long as you want if you train it for some generations.