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A member registered Nov 20, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hey there, thanks for the reply, but switching to v.1.2 did not help. Do you know if there are any specific restrictions about the PNG file?

I've seen a few people post this issue here, but most casses were resolved after making sure the internal folder structure was correct. That did not help, in my case. Any other ideas? 

:O Nice catch! Θα προσπαθήσω να το φτιάξω μόλις βρω χρόνο. Αν και δεν είναι απαραίτητο για να τερματιστεί η ιστορία, αν δεν λύσεις όλους τους γρίφους δεν μπορείς να κάνεις τέλειο σκορ, οπότε καλό είναι να διορθωθεί. Ευχαριστώ πάρα πολύ και χαίρομαι που το διασκέδασες!! <3

Hehe, thank you! I got inspired by everyone personalising their castles in their entries and thought "heck, I've already spent 3 weeks on this, why not a few minutes more".

The long lines render just fine in my version, so I doubt it's necessary to use the break tags

Oh god, it worked, thanks so much! This definitely helps a lot.

Hey y'all! 

I'm Dimi, a Greek-native AVT and L10N specialist and I'd love to collab with anyone interested to help for this LocJam session. You can count on me to share my knowledge and experience. I can mainly handle the coordination, prepping and LQA process.

This is a very exciting project, looking forward to this setting off on this localisation adventure and meeting new people along the way! ^_^