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A member registered Jul 05, 2014 · View creator page →

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Well executed concept and alot of room to grow. Needs rebalancing in some areas thats to be expected at this level of demo. Perhaps add a currency system to prevent players from spamming units all at once. Some visual clarity could be updated particulary the health bars rotating alongside the unit.

A brilliant concept and well executed. Alot of room for neat design decisions and the explanations you gave for design decisions you made did make a lot of sense.

Great atmosphere for the game. If the project is continued I would suggest adding variety in the forms of more enemies and abilities. Maybe a level up feature to give upgrades either through a shop or a random assortment of choices whenever a level up is reached.

Actually this series is completely community driven, in fact its a local series so we physically meet up and play each others games. Alot of the evaluation and feedback happens on the discord instead of here on itch.

(1 edit)

Based and sproutpilled.