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A member registered Mar 16, 2020 · View creator page →

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just gonna paste the notes i made while playing!

- really cute, relaxing, fun - music is a really nice touch and simplistic enough that i never got sick of it

- would be nice to put a bit more juice or strategy into fishing - maybe the better i do the bigger fish i catch, so i have some level of choice over what size i get, but ive got limited bait so i cant just pick little ones forever?

- feels like the game spends a little too long in the first layer - its a little too familiar

- really liked the weirdness of the platform challenge i found myself inadvertently planning, building myself into corners with weird fish

- i dont rly like how the tetris blocks can stick on the sides of the tower

- love the art and presentation of this, and how the weird blocks are designed to link into eachother

- really enjoyed anticipating what the next wave of even weirder fish would be

- sadly i found it pretty easy to softlock myself - ik theres meant to be a way to undo mistakes but i couldnt remember it during gameplay and there wasnt any reminders of it? i figured out it was z eventually haha

- really appreciated how puzzly it got later on to plan out a route upwards

- i think it would have been nice for the fish choices to come in a specific order, so that if i undo'd id still have to deal with the same blocks, just in a different way, and i cant just continually reroll for what i need

- i also think there being some check to prevent repeatedly getting the same blocks would be nice

- the camera slowly zooming out felt really helpful as i moved upwards - but i think you could have done it more! i found myself running out of screenspace a bit later on

- favourite moment - just about perfectly positioning an angler fish's lightbulb to get me out of a pit

- theres a little bit of getting over it in here which i liked

- i enjoyed how old fish that were annoying when you first discovered them would come back later and be super helpful

- LOVED that the camera zoomed all the way down at the end - that was something id written in my notes as a suggestion! was rly nice to see the full journey like that

- this rly felt like a proper adventure game while staying simple... rly nice work

yeah, there's certain parts of the push system that are unfortunately buggy and i didnt have time to fully fix everything - the codebase for the push function was very very messy by the end of the jam. if i work on this more, im planning on recording it from the ground up. appreciate your feedback though, and hope you enjoyed the puzzles otherwise!

the aesthetics of this are really nice, and its scoped perfectly for a jam game! i felt like the controls were unfortunately pretty awkward and difficult to work around, and since platforming is your main genre i felt like you could have put more time into refining the controls. i really like having to jump and rescale myself in the air to avoid bumping on ceilings, i just wish i didnt accidentally kill myself on the nearest spikes in the process!

Hi there! I really enjoyed the puzzles in this, especially Weight And Pull Me and Lift Up. Most of my specific feedback notes concern game-feel-y controls things and smoothing out of gameplay hitches, but it really feels like a super strong foundation to build upon right now and it feels like you're getting really into the swing of designing puzzles for these systems. I played using mouse and keyboard.

- my first instinct in the first level is to press ctrl, as that's the only button prompt i see. put a 'wasd' or 'move' prompt.

- the spinning door thing in the first level is a little awkward - you have to walk a distance away from it then back into it if you wish to go back the other way

- it'd be nice if the aim bubbles showed up sooner, or there was some other feedback for beginning aiming

- with mouse controls, i'd like to be able to pick up magnets with mouse1, since that has the same function as E for aiming but not for picking up.

- would probably also appreciate mouse2 to change the polarity by default, to go along with the other mouse controls, rather than m2 to cancel aim.

- cancelling aim doesn't work - im still holding m1, and when i release m1 it still throws, whether or not i cancelled with m2.

- for some reason in the menu you can't set 'enter aim mode' to E with the default method, you have to click revert.

- generally 'locking' mouse1 and mouse2 into their default functions in the controls is very awkward, i'd really like to rebind them.

- have some way to leave a level after entering it when you've already got the key without having to enter the menu.

- the pickup-key to end-level feels delayed and initially i didn't notice the level ending - maybe freeze the character movement or enter a cutscene when gaining the key.

- perhaps have some 'reset' prompt if you can detect the player softlocking themself.

- in levels where the player has access to the magnet immediately, i feel like it should start already in their hands (especially the hub!)

- for keyboard controls, i do just feel like 'R' makes much more sense as a default reset key than ctrl, as it's the standard in most other puzzle games like this.

I feel like this game is unfortunately much much too punishing - sending the player back all the way to the start of the area theyre in just makes the game so much more frustrating and meant i struggled to even complete the tutorial, and small mistakes some moments of inconsistency especially with jump pads were much much more punishing to the player than they needed to be. sorry :(

lol i just realised the music stops