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Makara la boy

A member registered Feb 08, 2020

Recent community posts

Hey! I am exploring the Murdac cave with Scar but minimap doesn't show anything,is this normal? And I can't go and see Caleb at old barn after waiting 8 days,game just crashes. What should I do?

Hey,I have almost finished Full Moon questline but whenever I visit Caleb at the shack after giving cure and waiting  game crashes,what should I do? Also where can I find Gunnar? I need to show him notes for Northcrest mission but can!t find him.

Hey! I am having problems launching games on Pc ıt says graphics ısnot rendered how can I play ıt? 

Hey! Is the game going to be release on Steam? If so will it censored or uncensored with dlc?

Ah I see thanks! 

Hey there,is the Gallery closed for a reason ? Do I need to finish all the routes to unlock the Gallery or will it be made avaible? İi

So by deleting those I can play it? Thanks though I don't know how to find them Can you tell me how to find it?

I haven't be able to play the game since  0.14 update. After I dowland game,ıt opens waits for couple of seconds then simply crashes. Only thing I find was this 

I'm sorry, but errors were detected in your script. Please correct the

errors listed below, and try again.

File "game/script.rpy", line 560: u'inventory_screen' is not a keyword argument or valid child for the imagebutton statement.

    action Show inventory_screen(jane_inv)


Ren'Py Version: Ren'Py

Thu Oct 24 19:45:01 2019

Do I need to change the script? If so where?

Oh,thank you much!! 

By main quest do you mean helping out the church or having 300 hundred point with a guild? 

I have starved characters to death to make the necessary money but I can't even get close to 10k what do I do? Is there any other way to do the mission? 

Hey there guys! How you guys have been? 👀

How long it is gonna get to other routes as well?

Hello there 👀👀 How u guys doing?

Hey! Anything for this or next month or nothing until 2021?

I see... I guess it is time to look again gotta go fast,thx! 

Hey! First of all thanks for making it play able in Steam,I am finally able it to play it. :)))) Secondly,game is quite good as a time-killer or pain...But I have a question :where are the stickers?

Hey! Is guide going to be updated anytime soon?

(1 edit)

Thx! The more Helios there is the more patient I am. Oh and love u all ❤️

Hey! I hope  everyone is doing okay. Will there be any uptade this month? 

Hey! How can I get Shin good route? More likely,in guide it says take Familial in day 4 but which is it?

Ah I see now,that makes sense. Thanks! Oh,and how to get Hatırı bad ending? 

(1 edit)

(Spoiler) Well took me few hours to finish but god damn every second of it worthed. Every ending was lovely,especialy with Hatoru. And the way Ren is presented is,well perfect ı guess? It is not to slow that gets you bored with same context again and again like many bl games or too hard to understand. But there are some things that could haven resolved better. First is Shion. His problematic status with Ren when first seen and outcomes in both way are really good but in the forest scenes beetwen them it didn't feeel like it,like it was rushed. Second problem is with Kazuya. Ren and Kazuya are foster brothers and since I am at expert how it is seen in Japan(I guess?) but with how when Ren asked Hatoru what was the problem and he said teacher-student romance may be a problem,why didn't Kazuya had problem with being foster brother? I think it could have been shown a little more? But beside that games is really good and lovely,especialy considering ıt is free (I am broke,god bless u :/) and took just a year. Well,I hope there will be more games to play but not buy,just no to capitalism. 

(Spoiler) Hello! Quick question:How can I get sad ending with the Boys? I mean,with Kazuya I had finished two times and took the options that sounded more ıdk without feeling? And ended up Ren and Shion talking and finding Shion for a foster family..

I see. Well,let see what future bring then. 

Is it posssible to romance Sora as ıdk 1 year anniversary special in future?

Hey! I was wondering if the mc will have any descriptions about their height or so on? How old are they? etc.

Will it be free and were the game become succesful would  you do a sequel? They were in highschool if I am not wrong,perhaps a game that takes place in university or adulthood?

Game is amazing,especially at making stories interwine with each other and this makes game a lot more realistic.Like,there is a happines but for those who you made chose for... It is just awosome..I have question though,three in fact.Will the game be free to play when completed? What is the schedule for chapters and is there possiblity for a sequel or prologue?

I think Rufus route got uptaded.

Yep,same here. Are you playing in Android? 

In which month will you release the first 3 periods? Will it be towards the end of summer?

I see. By the way will there be more games in the following months? And,games was awesome. 

Is there a romantic end for Chester? I got good and bad but not sure if ı there is a one,or is there?

Thanks goodnness... :) By the way,ı hope this and (if there will be) your other projects will turn out good.

Will game cost any money?

Hey! First of all game is awesome. Secondly I have a queston will the game be free when fully released and when it will be realised?